Volleyball drill: block 2-man block with displacement
Suitable for the following techniques: block
Block 2-man block with displacement
- Blocking with 2 groups of 5 players each
- 1 player on position 2, 1 player on position 3 with a reserve next to her
- 2 players with a ball on the other side of the net, on position 4, of which 1 reserve
- One of the players with a ball hits the ball and then throws or hits the ball slightly above the net edge towards the block
- As soon as the ball is struck, the blocking player moves from position 3 and joins the blocking player at position 2, after which the thrown or struck ball is blocked
- The player who threw the ball becomes a reserve, the reserve takes over position 3, the blocking player at position 3 takes over position 2, the player at position 2 goes to get the ball and becomes a reserve at the throw/strike
- Pay attention to the position of the hands/fingers and the connection of the hands