Volleyball drill: defense - attack home

Suitable for the following techniques: defense

Defense - attack home

2 working groups:

Group 1 with trainer:
  • Make 2 Trios.
  • 1st trio goes behind 7 meter line on belly.
  • Trainer with ball carrier in corner of field.
  • Trainer claps on ball and immediately plays down field.
  • First ball must be played in 3 meter zone, non-reception player catches ball in pass position
  • other players stand on attacking home the moment ball is caught and call for pass.
Group 2
  • 3 players with ball at the net.
  • Others go to work, starting in corner of field
  • Get short ball first, far ball and back a short ball.
drawing Defense - attack home

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: