Volleyball drill: hats touching, backwards
Suitable for the following techniques: warming-up
Hats touching, backwards
- Two rows of pawns, about 3 meters between rows, one pawn every 1.5m.
- Total 8 per row. Players divide into 2 groups and 2 rows,
- 1 line at each row of pawns (possibly 2 extra lines if the group is big).
- Run along the right side of the row, backwards over the left. 3x
- Lift your knees to the front, calmly run back 2x
- Heels/buttons out, calmly back, 2x
- Skater's stride out, slowly back 2x
- Sideways out, sideways back, keeping face the same direction 2x
- Cross pass inwards and backwards, keeping face in the same direction 2x
- 2 pawns in front, 1 back at high speed 2x
- Sprint from pawn to pawn, circle each pawn in short strides.
Group together, 1 row at the right-hand side of the pawns.
- Move sideways between the pawns, touching each pawn 2x