Volleyball drill: quick game-changing
Suitable for the following techniques: attack
Quick game-changing
Training rhythm and cadence for the playmaker.
Explanation of the exercise:
This exercise is useful for playmakers who want to get rhythm and cadence in their set-ups. In this way, the playmakers get a lot of ball contact and can set-up a lot.
The outfielder passes. The centre, preferably three, comes in from the left, hits the ball and turns it in again on the right. The next one is on the right, goes to the left, etc. These players, seen from above, turn 8s. The coach brings in the balls and can set the pace.
Of course, you can later have the middle players pass and go out and rock. By first coming in from the left, then from the right Of course, later on the centre can pass and the outfield player can rock by coming in first from the left and then from the right.
Duration of the exercise:
10-15 min