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Volleyball drill: ready for the attack

Suitable for the following techniques: attack

Ready for the attack

An exercise for the attacker. The attacker has to be available for a second attack after a block.

First the middle attackers. At the net stand the playmaker (S) and a head blocker (1) ready to start blocking. Next to them stands the trainer (T) with a ball. Three defenders (4, 5 and 6) are standing at the back of the court.


  • The trainer hits the ball, and 1 and S block together.
  • During the block the trainer smashes the ball to 4, 5 or 6.
  • As soon as 1 is on the ground again after the block, 1 moves backwards for the attack run.
  • 4, 5 or 6 defend the ball.
  • S gives a setup to 1.
  • 1 smashes the ball
  • 1 retrieves the ball.
  • 2 takes the place of 1 (1,2 and 3 rotate).

Swap with the outside attackers on the outside position.

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: