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Volleyball drill: relay with balloon

Suitable for the following techniques: warming-up

Relay with balloon

Goal of the exercise:

Increase speed and agility.

Explanation of the exercise:

Teams stand behind a pawn. Player 1 runs to the next pawn, goes around it and runs back. Player 2 can start when player 1 is back. The team that finishes first wins. Different forms: sprint, frog jump, tide, knee lift, hopscotch, wheelbarrow, sprint with ball, overhead play and underarm play.

XL Challenge:

Place a balloon on centerline. At the sign of the trainer you have to sprint to the balloon and then dive and blow very hard. After being tapped the next player can blow away the balloon. The player who is first to blow the balloon over the backline wins.

Duration of the exercise:

10-15 minutes.

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: