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Volleyball drill: speed contest

Suitable for the following techniques: warming-up condition

Speed contest

Part 1

  • The players are divided into two equal teams.
  • The balls are distributed equally on both sides of the net.
  • The aim is to have as few balls on your own side as possible.

The way to pass the balls / course of play:

  1. Roll
  2. Throwing (overhand, underhand, one arm)
  3. Storage (underhand, overhand)

Part 2

  • The trainer places a ball on the half way line.
  • On either side of the net, a line of players stands at the back line.
  • At the signal of the trainer they run to the ball, whoever has it may keep it.

Which team collects the most balls?


  • The players on both sides of the net are numbered (so that 2 players of the 2 different teams have the same number)
    • Storm at sea: if your number is called, you must try to get the ball as quickly as possible and get back behind your line (= point + safety for the opponent).
    • If you are tapped by your opponent when you have the ball in your hands, you have to drop the ball (you can pick it up immediately afterwards and continue playing).
  • The trainer puts several balls on the middle line and everyone plays against everyone else and tries to collect as many balls as possible. (Several times, not as many balls as players, can also be played with a time limit, ...)

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: