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Volleyball drill: tennis warm-up with extras

Suitable for the following techniques: passing warming-up

Tennis Warm-Up with extras

Starting position: 3 players on red side, rest on blue side.

  • Blue side always starts, with OH service.
  • Tennis OH directly over the net => approximately 3 meter line.
  • After Tennis outside the posts to the other side.
  • Red players: place ball in center of court where around 3 meters the blue players are.
  • Blue players: Place ball deliberately left or right of the center of the field where the red team is standing.
  • Red side: thinking, what is your next action?
    • Played left => Red player is going to do exercise 1
    • Played right => Red player is going to do exercise 2.
Examples of exercises:
  • Mat => make roll
  • Pawns => shuffle through them
  • Foot ladder with assignment.
  • Bad Ball => pick up in bin and join the other team.
drawing Tennis Warm-Up with extras

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: