Volleyball drill: throwing-catching-turning
Suitable for the following techniques: warming-up general condition
- Purpose of the exercise:
- To focus, communicate, master the task and persevere.
- At "A" and above, with fewer people on the field for more intensity.
- Explanation of the exercise:
- 'Chaos Easy' starts as a warm-up, but ends as a true battle.
- The players are placed in the field (it doesn't matter where).
- The ball is caught and immediately thrown over the net (one play).
- As the player catches, he throws the ball. .
- The players on the team are turned over one spot.
- It is striking how difficult it is to score.
- When someone throws wrong (in net or out), they have to sprint around the opponent's field.
- Duration of the exercise:
- 5-10 minutes.