Volleyball drill: trail - jump rope + exercises - sprint
Suitable for the following techniques: warming-up
Trail - jump rope + exercises - sprint
Course: 3 groups of 3 persons - behind the back line
- Walk to 3m line
- Shuffle low backwards to backline - left and right
- Walk to 3m line + offensive run
- Dive under net to 3m line
- Turn around and block: block - side + block - side + block
- Roll backwards
- Turn around + walk to the back line
- Sprint back
- First jump at 50%
- Second jump at 75%
- Third jump at 100%
Jump ropes + exercises:
- 45" jump roping
- 20 straight abdominals
- 45" skipping ropes
- 20 oblique abdominals
- 45" skipping ropes
- 5 lunches left and right
- 45" skipping ropes
- 10 squats
- 45" skipping ropes
- 10 jumping squats
- 45" skipping ropes
- 10x pumps
- 1' jump ropes
3 groups of 3 people - behind the back line
- First person: is going to lay 4 balls
- Second person: is going to get 4 balls
- Third person: is going to lay 4 balls