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Basketball drills

  • Up to 8 players in the center circle or freethrow circle.
  • On starting the game, each player has to protect the ball whilst attempting to knock the ball away from other players.
  • Last man standing wins!

  • Dribbles 15x per hand
  • Pound dribbles 15x per hand
  • Dribble cross 10x2
  • Dribble between 10x2
  • Dribble behind 5x2
2 Rounds

  • 1st round: 
    • Start at sideline on knees, 
    • jump up, 
    • through legs 2x, 
    • run to the other side.
  • 2nd round: 
    • through legs, behind the back, through legs
  • 3rd round:
    • through legs, spin, through legs,
  • 4th round:
    • though legs, behind back, through legs, spin, through legs,
  • 5th round: 
    • through legs till other side 
  • Installation: 
    • For 2 players 1 ball
    • 1 player baseline
    • 1 player at free throw line with ball
  • Player baseline runs to other player and receives pass.
  • Land, crossover step, 3 dribbles, jump stop, pivot.
  • Pass to next player.
  • Across the length of the court.
  • Variations: 
    • Catch, spin, reverse pivot - heel lift when pivoting-
    • Front stop, half pivot, pivot forward
    • Jump and turn in the air, turn and face
drawing Post fundamentals, footwork
  • Rebounder pass the outlet pass to guard
  • Forward runs the line, receives pass from guard
  • Guards cuts to finish the break


  • Guard lay up
  • Rebounder lay up
  • Center stops on 3 point line, guard and flyer cut for lay-up, center passes left or right
  • Center stops on 3 point line, guard and flyer cut for lay-up, no pass, they go back out for baseline shot
drawing Secondary break
  • 1 side forwards/guard
  • 1 side centers
drawing 1 to 1
  • Starting lineup:
    • Attackers extended free throw line right
    • Passers extended free throw line left
    • Coach stands above the free throw line
  • Demonstration:
    • Crossover
  • Progression:
    • Player 1 runs to the free throw line
    • Player 1 runs to the top of the three-point line
    • Player 2 passes to player 1 when he is at the top of the three-point line
    • Player 1 does a crossover
    • Player 1 does a layup
    • Player 3 does a step slide to the center circle
    • Player 3 sprints to the sideline and connects
  • Progression:
    • Active defense by the coach
    • Player takes 1 dribble and shot
  • Regression:
    • NVT
drawing Crossover top three-point line
  • Starting lineup:
    • 1 group at the level of the left forward
    • 1 group at the level of the right forward
    • 1 ball
  • Progression:
    • Player 2 runs to the middle of the free throw line
    • Player 2 runs to the top of the bucket
    • Player 1 passes to player 2
    • Player 1 runs to the middle of the free throw line
    • Player 1 runs to the top of the bucket
    • Player 1 receives the pass
    • Passing to the other side
  • Progression:
    • 30 passes in 60 seconds
    • 40 passes in 60 seconds
  • Regression:
    • No pass count
drawing Houston passing
  • Starting lineup:
    • 2 teams
    • 1 shooter per team
    • 1 or 2 rebounders per team (depending on number of players at practice and available goals)
  • Progression:
    • The shooter takes a shot
    • If the shooter scores, he stays put
    • If the shooter misses, rebounding is required
    • The player who takes the rebound goes outside and takes a shot
    • 1 point per score
    • 1 point per rebound
    • Whoever has 10 points first wins
  • Progression:
    • Three-pointers shot
drawing Shooters and rebounders
  • Starting lineup:
    • 2 players with a ball
    • 1 player without a ball
    • All under the ring
  • Progression:
    • Players take a shot
    • Player who takes the rebound may take the next shot
    • 1 point per score
    • Whoever has 10 points first wins
  • Progression:
    • Players stand further from the goal
    • Shooting outside the bucket
drawing Rebound with 3 players.
Advantages 2-1-2 zone:

  • strong under the board and at the free throw line
  • good fast break possibilities at the moment of the shot
  • against good centers and inside teams
  • great rebound positions, as the spots in front of the defensive triangle are already taken in advance
Disadvantages 2-1-2 zone:

  • vulnerable on the weak side to the end line and center in front of the free throw line
  • shooters from close or half distance
Advantages 3-2 zone:

  • strength lies in the mobility of the front line, which the opponent must attack aggressively; possibly double-teaming
  • shooting from outside the bucket is difficult against this zone
  • opportunities for organized fast break
  • very useful against inexperienced and technically weak teams
Disadvantages 3-2 zone:

  • weak between the two lines and in the corners
  • rebound positions can often be less well occupied
  • overloading in the corner/side areas is dangerously weak against a good center
  • Starting lineup:
    • 1 player in the right corner
    • 2 players right on the center line, each with a ball
    • 2 players left on the center line, each with a ball
  • Progression:
    • Player 1 dribbles to the three-point line
    • Player 1 does a give and go with the player 2 in the corner
    • Player 1 runs through to the bottom left corner after his layup
    • Player 2 takes the rebound and connects at the top right corner
    • Player 3 dribbles to the three-point line
    • Player 3 does a give and go with player 1 who is now there in the left corner
    • Player 3 runs through to the bottom right corner after his layup
    • Player 1 takes the rebound and connects at the top left corner
  • Progression:
    • Quick execution of the exercise
    • Jump stop instead of lay-up
    • Lay-back
  • Regression:
    • AFTER
drawing Motion offense.