Basketball drills for technique 1,5 meter / corona / covid-19
2 teams, 1 ball (variant without ball, without hands)
Dribble and follow with slides, zig/zag between the lines. Pay attention to slides, footwork. Start on back line and after the last pawn 1-1.
Different variants:
Opposite each other (pairs, 5 meters apart)
- Chest pass
- Bounce pass
- 2 balls (bounce and chest at the same time)
- Pass with defender in between (over head, step out, watch defender)
- Under time pressure (as many passes as possible in 1 minute - count out loud)
2 rows
- Pass and close behind (chasing the ball)
Do you want to get in shape? You can, but you need a few things for it.
- What do you need to do?
- Pawns
- Soccer
- Clothes you can wear to work out
- Stairs
- First of all, it's important that you warm up well before you start working on your fitness!
- What do you have to do?
- Run 2 cones in front 1 in back and repeat that every time.
- Do that twice
- Take the ball and run 5 circles with it.
- This will give you ball control and also ensure that you have worked on your fitness for a while.
- You can also do exercises for your condition inside by running 5 times up and down the stairs.
- Run 2 cones in front 1 in back and repeat that every time.
- Of course you can give your own twist to how you want to do it, but I find these are the nicest and most fun ways to improve.
- Don't try to run fast the first day without stopping, do it in steps!
give & go and lay-back combined

- 10 minutes:
- 5'right
- 5'left
- 2 lines
- right side 2 balls
- Half of players right side
- half of players left side to rebound

- Start under the basket.
- Two players pass back and forth in the run to center line....
- At passage center line in man with ball the attacker and goes full dribble to basket.
- Other player is defender and must get in front of man security and defend.

- 21 cone shot exercise, With each score the player walks behind a cone and places it on the side, The exercise is done when all the cones are distributed,

- paste technique
- There is one ticker without the ball and two players without the ball.
- Whoever has the ball cannot be tapped without it.
- The ball may be held for a maximum of ten counts.
- If the scapegoat intercepts a ball, the ball is out of the game.
- Change the scapegoat regularly
- Depending on the amount of players adjust the size of the field.
- Running outside is not allowed.
- Free running, searching for space
- Movement
- The joy of playing
Teaching points
- Passing technique, running free and filling space
- Ball must reach other player, otherwise also out
- Dribble!

- Some game insight at fill the spot, be able to apply defensive stance (denail - helpside)
- offence: quickly see where there is an empty spot and cut through after a pass, defence: adjust stance according to how the ball is moving
- 4 players (U10) on a spot with defence, empty spot under the ring.
- Offence: pass the ball around and make a quick cutting move towards the empty spot below the ring, other attackers move up and the empty spot is filled in by the cutting attacker.
- Defence: adjust position according to the ball. (hands on the ball, denail, weakside help on the line ring-ring)
- 5 passes (calmly), then 4vs4
- Passing on: offence becomes defence, defence steps out and then becomes offence
- Possibly start with passive defence (hands on back) depending on players' level.
teaching points
- Offence: good pass - in/out to deep bucket and high stepping out - placement of feet - attention to mistakes.
- Defence: anticipate the ball - check correct posture per spot before passing - jump-to-the-ball

Three teams line up one ball on the back line.
- Coach throws ball against the board (if he scores take it)
- Middle player picks up rebound and chooses an outlet side
- Outlet at speed to head of the bucket on the other side, matching player cuts behind the outlet.
- Fill three lanes, possibly add defenders to make it harder (pick up two players from the center line, or rebound more first)
- From the middle line 1-1.
- Defender has a limited area (pylons) in which he can defend.
- Attacker finishes with free lay-up (must go in or push up).

- Players stand in two lines at the height of the free throw line.
- Everyone has a ball except the first person of one of the lines.
- The player without the ball enters the free throw line and receives the pass -> pivot -> crossover/open-step -> lay-up/shot
- The player takes his own rebound and joins the other row.