Basketball drills for technique 1,5 meter / corona / covid-19
- The group is lined up on the short side of the field in a few relays.
- On a sign, they all walk to the other side at the same time and sit back to back in a random order.
- Which group sits first?
- Variation
- Varying the starting and finishing poses.
- At the other side touch a line, return and sit in a row again.
All on 1 line (work up to middle line, run up to end line, repeat exercise every time)
- 2 x jogging
- Skipping legs
- Heels against seat
- Straighten back leg, bend front leg (straight ahead)
- Extend the back leg, bend the front leg (sideways)
- Crossing legs
- Swinging arms
- Sprint + step slide back
Divide group into pairs.
Passing to the other side:
- At the halfway line: player on the inside dribbles to the head of the bucket and passes to the player on the outside who scores with a layup/ shot (variation)
- Player who has passed runs to the other sideline and receives outlet, passes back to the center line and again shot/layup
- Important that they do not run during the pass and that the players change (inside and outside)
For U12 first explain well which lines are used.
Standard killer with line touching, executing with ball and different commands.
- Slowly build up speed as a warming up,
- Possibly let a player determine what the assignments are.
- Do take a rest now and then.
- Left to go, right back
- Left/right (cross)
- Backwards (2 times left, 2 times right)
- Put the ball down (under ball back, pick up ball back and next line)
- With press-ups (2x on the line), jumping, abs ect.
Divide the group into pairs.
Passing to the other side:
- First 2-groups fit around the whole field.
- 3 meter distance, no running
- Variant: at the halfway line:
- Player on the inside dribbles to the head of the bucket and passes to the player on the outside who scores with lay-up/shot.
- Player who has passed runs to the other sideline and receives outlet, passes back to the center line and again shot/layup
- Left and right side
Important that they do not run during the pass and that the players change (inside and outside).
Players start at the bottom of the ring in 2 lines.
1) On the right side of the ring, players make a zig-zag run with the ball, changing direction at each cone (cross, behind the back, through the legs and spin move).
- Once at the center line, the player dribbles with the left hand towards the cones #1 here you do a backup dribble and go with a cross-over past the cones and finish with a lay-up.
2) On the left side of the ring, players do a short/explosive zig-zag and sprint from the last pawn to the center line.
- Once at the center line, they dribble right-handed to cones #2, here they do a backup dribble and crossover past the cones and finish with lay-up.
- At cones #1 and #2 you can vary with crossover, behind the back, through the legs and spin move
- Finish with lay-up or short distance shot

The players form 2 lines on the baseline, everyone has a ball except the first person of 1 of the 2 lines.
- Finishing with jumpshot (30 scores)
- Finishing with shot on 1st block of the bucket (30 scores)
- Finishing with shot on the elbow from the bucket (20 scores)

- The players start from one side of the ring with a zig-zag stepslide to the centre line.
- From the cone at the half way line, they sprint to the goal, receive the pass and finish with a lay-up.
- After the lay-up the players take their own rebound and take the place of the passer.
- With enough players this exercise can also be done on a full court.

- Playmaker gives the pass to the wing
- The playmaker cuts through and positions himself at the center position
- The wing steps out and gives a collision pass to the center
- The centre can finish with the following movements
- open step to the inside
- Fake open step to the inside -> turn around and finish with a shot
- Fake open step inside -> turn outside -> step inside and finish with a one-step lay-up

- Ball leaves the baseline
- pass to player on mid-line-sideline -> player follows ball and runs up the field
- player returns the pass and cuts through towards the ring
- the pass is given to the 2nd player on the half way line
- player gives the pass to the player that is cutting towards the ring
- finishing with a lay-up

- The player on the baseline runs to the wing position, gets the pass and turns towards the goal to look for a shot.
- The winger with the ball does 2 cross dribbles between the cones and then finishes with a lay-up or shot

- Divide the players into groups and give each player a number (equal groups).
- Each group in a corner of the field and balls in the centre circle.
- When the coach says your number, you run to the centre circle, grab a ball and you get 2 attempts to score (max 2 x 1 point for your group).
- Games to the 10 for example and losers push up.
- To keep the speed up, have several numbers run at the same time.