Basketball drills for technique 1,5 meter / corona / covid-19
- Everyone a ball, line up in a large circle.
- Trainer shows the exercise, players follow:
- Spread out and roll the ball in an 8-shape between the legs.
- Roll the ball around your waist, head legs (change direction)
- Dribble with left, right, change hands.
- let the whole group dribble at the same time (rhythm exercise, all in rhythm!)
- dribble between your legs
- dribble behind your back
- Shot movement upwards (extend arm, point, catch)
- Spread position (move the ball in an 8-shape without touching the ground)
- Make 2 rows with 1 ball.
- Player gives bounce/chest pass to other row and runs after the ball, and closes behind.
- Extend:
- Place a pylon around which the players have to walk (or 2 pylons).
- Possibly instead of passing dribble with the ball (left and right)

- Warming-up for U16, where the focus is mainly on warming up in combination with a bit of ballhandling.

- 2 players, one ball.
- Player A one side/under the basket (rebounder shot)
- Player B approx. 3,5m from the basket (FT-line).
- Back too the ring.
- Backfoot 135degrees. Step in, get bll. shoot.
- 10 shots in a row. switch.

- 2 players.
- Player A, rebound/pass
- Player B max 1 m from the basket/In front.
- 1 ) Get ball. in shothand. Finish like regular shot, using just one hand.
- 2 ) High arching swish, both hands.
- 3 ) Pinch a coin in-between guide hand thumb and pointer finger. Catch and shoot this way. (Eliminates your thumb)
- 4 ) 2,5-3m from basket. Ball in non shooting hand, Dribble and load directly in shooting hand. No pauses, direct shooting.
- 5 ) Fades: Get ball from passer, fake one side, one dribble shoot. (Change speed quickly) Use spots you need in a game.
- 6 ) Baseline drifts. Start sideline, move to baseline, get pass, shoot.
- 7 ) Slot on the 3-point line. Move to wing, get pass, shoot. Walk back to middle. Same
- 8 ) Transition pull up's. Start midcourt, 2 to 3 dribble. Pull up for the shot.
- 9 ) Alternate range shooting. Take a shot outside perimeter, after shot, walk 2/3 steps backwards, get pass shoot, walk 2/3 forward etc.
- 10) 5 spots in a row. Corner, wing, mid, wing, corner. (make 2 per spot)
- 11) Free throw golf. 18 shots. Miss is bogey 1, hit ring is Par 0, Hit shot is Birdie -1. Best score wins.
- 12 V-cut shooting. Passers one side off the bucket, shooters other side. V-cut, get ball top bucket, shoot.
- finger tip over head for chest cupboard.
- around head, waist, knee
- make between legs
- release ball between legs and change hands to catch without impact.
- throw ball behind back over shoulder left right.
- 10x right dribble 10x left dribble. pushing hard on the ball and not looking at the ball.
- 2x right cross to left 2x left cross ... Don't look at ball
- Dribble an 8 through the legs and keep the ball low.
- Keep dribbling the ball behind your back.
- Dribble between the legs front and back
- Position 1. Minimum of 3 players. Every other spot 2.
- Return other side withmid-court pass to runner. 2 steps lay-up.
- Pos. 1 goes to 2.
- Pos. 2 goes to 3
- Pos. 4 goes to 5
- Pos 5 goes to pos 1. (With ball)
- Pos 6. (Coach/Assistant)

- Score 10 free throws.
- When you score your first free throw, you may take your second.
- When you miss your first shot, you sprint back and forth twice.
- You slide over the back lines and over the middle line and sprint over the other lines.
- You run an eight twice and then a rest and that 3 times.
- You start in the corner

- You dribble to the center line while the defender sends you to one side until the basket-basket line and the off line after the center line 1v1

- Pass layup
- on the last pass there is a defender in a place where you can easily pass

- 2 or more players have the ball and walk/dribble through each other
- On signal, the person with the ball passes to the first person he/she makes eye contact with
- repeat maximum 8 times