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Basketball drills

  • Starting lineup:
    • 1 player at each corner of the bucket
    • 3 defenders in the middle
  • Progression:
    • Players pass to each other without defense being able to touch the ball
    • 1 point for each time the ball can be touched by defense
    • 1 point for every bad pass from offense
    • 1 point for every 5 good passes from offense
drawing 4-on-3 passing drill
  • Make 2 rows low at the Bucket.
  • The PG stands at the top of the 3pt line.
  • Coach stands at the same height receives the intercepted ball and passes it to the PG.
  • The PG passes a hard pass to the player on the left.
  • The player on the left finishes the ball without a dribble.
  • The player on the right automatically becomes a defender.
  • Then the PG passes the ball to the right and goes left to defend.
  • Then passes to the other side.

  • High tempo.
  • Hitting 30 balls.
drawing Close finish
  • Starting lineup:
    • Each player has a ball
    • Distribute the players among all available goals
    • This exercise can also be used for an individual group
  • Progression:
    • Players must make 3 perfect shots per position
    • A perfect shot is a shot with 1 hand
    • A perfect shot does not touch the ring
    • Depending on the number of players provide 3 to 4 positions per goal
  • Progression:
    • 5 perfect shots
    • Perfect shots on all rings
    • Additional positions
drawing Perfect shots
  • 2 players start, each with their own ball.
  • Player 1 starts with a pass to coach/helper, runs around the cone, receives the pass from player 2 and takes a shot from half distance.
  • After the shot, player 2 makes a V-cut away from the ball, receives the pass and takes a shot from half distance.
drawing V-cut & shooting
  • First cone, close-out
  • Sliding to second cone
  • Run around the last cone
  • Grab ball
  • Lay-up
drawing slides
  • Starting lineup
    • 1 group left end line
    • 1 group middle end line
    • 1 group right end line
    • Balls in the middle
  • Progression:
    • Player in the middle passes to player left
    • Player on the left passes back to player in the middle
    • Player in the middle passes to the right
    • Player on the right does a layup and runs through to the other side
    • Player in the middle runs around the cone on the right side and returns that way
    • Player on the left takes the rebound and runs down the middle
    • Play the same to the other side
  • Progression:
    • No dribbles
    • Run the exercise 2 times in a row
    • Run the drill 3 times in a row
    • Right lay-up
    • Left lay-up
drawing Lakers lay-up drill
  • Make 4 groups of at least 2 players.
  • Put the groups in a square.
  • You can make the square as big as you want, the bigger the heavier.
  • The first players from Blue and Red cross to each other, halfway receive the ball from White/Orange and pass the ball to the position they are running to.
  • The moment White and Orange have passed the ball they also cross over, now receiving the ball passed from Blue and Red.
  • If this is going well at some point, you can have the players pass in the other direction.
drawing Passing Square
  • Players stand back to back on the end line, level with the bucket.
  • The 1st player has no ball and runs around cone.
  • At elbow level he receives the pass from the 2nd player: stop, feint and drive to goal with open step or cross over.
drawing First step drill
  • Take a lap around the field. On the long sides jog, on the short sides walk.
  • Stand upright, feet hip-width apart. Make 20 squats at slow pace.
  • Stand upright, feet hip-width apart. Make 20 jump squats. Begin with arms extended above your head. To add extra power to the jump; Drop your arms along your body while bending your knees. Swing the arms through to the back and jump while moving your arms back forward and up. Keep your back straight, hips back, feet flat on the ground.
  • Do lunges in three positions per leg. Basic position; stand upright with your feet slightly apart.
    • Put your right leg straight ahead and bend the knee 90 degrees. Your left knee as close to the ground as possible; come up.
    • Put your right leg, with the foot turned slightly forward to the right side. Bend your left knee. Return to base position.
    • Put your right leg back, bend your left knee. Return to base position.
    • Put your left leg straight ahead and bend the knee 90 degrees. Your right knee as close to the ground as possible; come up.
    • Put your left leg, with the foot turned slightly forward to the left side. Bend your right knee. Return to base position.
    • Put your left leg back, bend your right knee. Return to base position.
  • Make a lap along the field. On the long sides jog. On the short sides sprint.
  • Starting lineup:
    • 5 players on one side of the field
    • 5 players on the other side of the field
    • 1 ball
  • Conduct:
    • Play 1 against 0
    • Play 2 against 1
    • Play 3 against 2
    • Play 4 against 3
    • Play 5 against 4
    • Games 5 against 5
  • Progression:
    • 30 seconds rest before the next session starts
    • Play this 5 times in a row until everyone has started once
    • Play 6 against 6 if there are 12 of us
  • Regression:
    • Play this 1 time
drawing 1 vs. 0 to 5 vs. 5
  • Starting lineup:
    • 1 player guard
    • 1 player right forward
    • Rest players under goal
  • Progression:
    • Player under goal passes to the right forward
    • Player under goal does a close out
    • Right forward passes to the guard
    • Right forward cuts in front of player doing close out -front cut
    • Guard passes to right forward
    • Right forward does a lay-up
    • UPDATE
    • Player under goal passes to guard
    • Player under goal does a close out
    • Guard passes to right forward
    • Guard cuts in front of player doing close out -front cut
    • Forward passes to the guard
    • Guard does a layup
  • Progression:
    • With enough players, split the group into 2
    • Player cuts behind the player doing close out -rear cut
drawing Pass and front/rear cut
  • In groups of 3.
  • One player passes to himself through the board, takes the rebound and gives an outlet pass by pivoting well.
  • Second player receives the outlet pass and gives it to the third who was behind the first.
  • Everyone slides through.
  • Practice continues continuously.
drawing Outlet - drill