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Basketball drills

  • Starting position:
    • 1 group near the center line, right
    • 1 group a few meters behind the center line, middle
    • Ball in the middle
  • Progression:
    • Player 1 dribbles up to the three-point line
    • Player 1 passes to player 2 who runs along
    • Player 2 does a lay-up
    • Player 1 takes the rebound and makes an outlet pass to player 2 who runs through
    • Player 2 connects in the middle
    • Player 1 connects on the right
  • Progression:
    • Player 1 dribbles in 3 dribbles to the three-point line
    • Player 1 dribbles in 2 dribbles to the three-point line
    • Extra defender under goal
    • Score 10 layups in a row or as many as there are players
    • Player 2 does another layup on the other side of the court
    • Player 2 does several more ball handling drills before reconnecting
  • Regression:
    • Reduce distance to three-point line
drawing Lay-up warm up drill
  • Full field
  • Per 2 players
  • All players a ball
  • Players face each other on the end line
  • In the middle are 5 cones with tennis ball on them and 5 cones without tennis ball.
At the Go signal, players dribble toward each other.
  1. High five -> change hands, cross over dribble.
  2. High collision ball next to the body, one player grabs the ball from the other. 2 times, rebound.
  3. Roll the ball simultaneously towards each other.
  4. After this, find a cone with tennis ball and move it onto a cone without tennis ball.
  • Throwing the ball against the board
  • Rebound
  • Transition
drawing Transitions
  • Starting lineup:
    • 1 player stands ready to shoot
    • 1 rebounder
  • Progression:
    • Set shots are taken at close range
    • Stretch arm with ball on hand, fold arm and turn hand and shoot
    • Shoot 10 times and then switch
  • Progression:
    • Standing further from the goal
    • Taking correct free throws
  • Regression:
    • AFTER
drawing Shooting basics
  • 2 teams, both behind the baseline.
  • One group has a ball.
  • On the go signal, one player from each team leaves for the cone in front of them.
  • The player with ball tries to make a layup and the player without ball tries to prevent it.
drawing Transition, lay up
  • Starting position:
    • 1 attacker
    • 1 defender
    • 1 passer with ball
    • Other players stand behind the passer
  • Progression:
    • Attacker must run free to receive the pass
    • Once the pass is given, they play 1 on 1
    • Stay on a quarter court
  • Progression:
    • Put the better players together
    • Maximum of 5 dribbles
  • Regression:
    • Pass may be returned to the passer
drawing 1 vs. 1 with passer on a quarter court
  • Starting position:
    • 1 group near the center line, right
    • 1 group a few meters behind the center line, middle
    • Ball in the middle
  • Progression:
    • Player 1 dribbles in 2 dribbles to the three-point line
    • Player 1 passes to player 2 who runs along
    • Player 2 does a layup
    • Player 1 takes the rebound and makes an outlet pass to player 2 who runs through
    • Player 2 connects in the middle
    • Player 1 connects on the right
  • Progression:
    • Extra defender under goal
    • Score 10 layups in a row (or as many as there are players)
  • Regression:
    • Reduce distance to three-point line
drawing Lay-up warm up drill
  • Starting lineup:
    • 3 players in offense
    • 3 players in defense
    • Otherwise, players behind the end line in 3 groups
    • Coach behind the end line
  • Process:
    • Coach gives a pass to 1 of the offense players
    • Defense does a good close out
    • Player 3 against 3
    • Defense becomes offense
    • Offense connects in the back
drawing 3-on-3 warm up half court
  • Starting lineup:
    • 1 group left under goal, second player a ball.
    • 1 group right under goal, first player a ball.
    • Coach stands just in front of goal.
  • Progression:
    • Player 1 without ball runs around the coach and receives the pass from player 2 and does a lay-up.
    • Player 2 runs around the coach and receives the ball from the next player and does a lay-up.
    • Players take their own rebound.
    • Pass ball to own side.
  • Progression:
    • Coach takes a step backwards.
    • Coach takes another step backwards.
  • Regression:
    • Taking shot instead of layup.
drawing Lay-up under goal
  • Starting lineup:
    • 1 group bottom left bucket
    • 1 group top left bucket
    • 1 group right bottom bucket
    • 1 group right top bucket
    • 1 ball
  • Sequence:
    • Player 1 passes to player 4
    • Player 4 passes back to player 1 who comes running towards him
    • Player 1 does a hand-off to player 4
    • After this, the next session starts:
      • Player 1 to player 4
      • Player 4 to player 2
      • Player 2 to player 3
      • Player 3 to player 1
    • This exercise lasts max 2 minutes and serves to get players alert
  • Progression:
    • With 2 balls
    • With 3 balls
drawing 4 corner passing (Bob Knight)
  • In pairs, place the players in a row facing the wall.
  • Per pair 1 tennis ball.
  • Player 1 stands closest to the wall and begins the exercise by throwing the ball against the wall.
  • Player 2 catches the ball.
  • Player 1 meanwhile runs back through the right side and then catches the ball that player 2 just threw against the wall.
  • Repeat at least 20 times.
  • Make the exercise more difficult by having the ball caught in a hat.
  • Blue stands behind the free throw line.
  • Red stands with his back to blue with the ball.
  • On the starting signal, blue sprints to the baseline and sprints back to defend
  • Red sprints to the center line and back to attack.
  • Always score.
drawing 1 vs. 1