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Basketball drills for technique defense

  • One on one till midcourt average speed.
  • Goal: Slides defender.
  • From 1m over midcourt.
  • One on ne to the basket. 1 shot.
  • Score by offense, offense stays offense
    • First to 4.
  • reaching team-mates who are being defended. in the completion of the fast break.
  • Against slow players.
  • Against long players.
  • Passing to the centre
  • Attacker/defender start just right of midcourt next to each other.
  • Attacker starts on the right.
  • Passer behind (coach if necessary). Lob pass, roll or other.
  • free play on 1 or 2 baskets, depending on the number of players.
  • PURPOSE: Quick passing, cutting, helpside, ballside, boxing-out.
  • First team at 5.
  • Loser push-ups 6.
  • free play on 1 or 2 baskets,
  • depending on the number of players.
  • NO dribbles only passing.
  • The attackers are not allowed to move from their spot.
  • They play the ball around and if they get the chance, they try to score
  • The defenders have to run They try to prevent a goal from being scored
  • When defenders are too static and stand by an attacker, you can do 3 things
    • Or force the defenders to run by telling at least one of them to run towards the attacker with the ball
    • Or tell the attackers they can take 2 steps.
    • Or draw a square on the ground where the attackers can move.
    • After 5 attempts, the defenders change with 2 new defenders.



  • Centers + Guards + Forwards
  • 3 Players
  • 1 ball
  • -a basket
  • -2 Cones

Requirements :

Players must be able to dribble and run a layup

Goal :

  • To finish off an overtime situation in 2-man break.
  • train outlet pass
  • to train running line flyer



  • the defender throws the ball against the board, left or right of the ring
  • the attacker on the side of the board takes the outlet position and asks for the ball.
  • The flyer sprints away towards the middle line.
  • Flyer sprints around the pawn back to the basket.
  • outlet dribbles as fast as possible around the other pawn
  • the passer sprints to the centre circle, but has 1 foot in there and then goes to defend.
  • attackers have 1 goal attempt and max 2 passes.
  • the attacker who misses becomes the defender.

Teaching points

  • the defender NOT to make any unsportsmanlike mistakes
  • defender takes the charge or forces the dribbler to the side of the pitch


  • One person shoots free throws.
  • Two other players stand behind the one who throws the free throw.
    • According to the rules of the game
  • Once the ball is gone the three players go for the rebound.
  • If the person who made the free throw has the ball, he can make another free throw.
  • If he doesn't have the ball, the 2 other players go to the other side of the court to attack, 2 against 1.
  • If attacker is pressured by defender then go to free man, otherwise keep going until lay-up.
  • The next three players get ready to execute the exercise.
  • Players stand ready at the halfway line. The first one has a ball (then 2 without the ball).
    • X1 makes lay-up
    • X2 takes rebound and passes in (after scoring!)
    • X3 runs around the pot and starts defending
    • X1 and X2 attack to the other ring

  • variation: with 5
    • X1 makes lay-up
    • X2 takes rebound and gives in (after score!) to X3
    • X3 dribbles over, X1 and X2 fill in the outer lines.
    • X4 walks around the basket near the baseline and defends.
    • X4 runs around the ball at the halfway line (other side) and defends.
  • three groups of two per basket
  • try to make qualitatively equal pairs
  • How?
    • 1 pair in front, 2 in forward positions
    • take turns making a drive, alternating attack/defence
    • First of the pair to have 5 points, wins.



players on the dribble can defend Â- and can make a pass the length of the field


to practice defending the backfield in the arrowpress Â- to anticipate the pass and always make sure you are in a position to intercept it


  • 4 takes the ball and then does not take part in the game anymore, but counts down the seconds
  • defender 5 applies maximum pressure on the dribbler
  • the defenders can defend all over the field
  • attacker 1 may only act on the defensive half Â- attackers 2 and 3 only on the offensive half
  • after a stop or score, defender 5 takes the ball back for the next round
  • if the attackers score within 10 seconds they have a point Â- if not, it is a point for the defenders Â- the attacker calls if there is a foul on him. Point for the attack.
  • play 5 times in a row with the same defenders
  • 3 new attackers each time.
  • If the defenders make less than 2 stops, they must run.
  • when there are 2 or more stops, all attackers must run.

Teaching points:

defend the dribbler on your feet - he may not pass you under any circumstances Â- arms wide to make a pass difficult Â- defender 6 must anticipate the long pass to intercept it Â- must position himself so that he can see the ball AND both other attackers as much as possible (split vision) Â- always adjust his position on the field to intercept the most likely pass Â- if he has not been able to intercept the long pass, Â- He must NOT allow a lay up Â- Defender 5 must then sprint full speed towards the free attacker on the weak side.


In the beginning, you may have to limit the space for attackers 2 and 3. Use existing lines on the floor, or place pawns on the sidelines on the attacking half.