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Basketball drills for technique defense

Different options:
  1. Player under the basket, pass from the corner and player runs in. Quick scoring from close range.
    Make it more difficult by throwing first ball against the board/wall, then score.
  2. Player with ball on the centerline, 2nd player on the backline.
    Player with ball starts dribble and 2nd player chases and must first throw ball against the board/or wall for score.
  • Players line up in 5 rows.
  • 5 man wave to furthest free throw line.
  • Player at the free throw line puts ball down and goes to defend with the player who last adjusted the ball.
  • 3 v 2 attack on the basket.
Nice variation is that they have to have scored 5 points within 7 times -> otherwise push ups or suicide runsPlease
note: communication and quick turnover to attack is important!

drawing Wave 3/4 pitch
  • 2 tally on the back line (half court, also don't cross the middle (line basket/basket)
  • Dribble and defend (anything goes, stay in front of your man)
  • Up to the center line, change on the center line

1x1, after the check the player with the ball cannot dribble for X seconds (must pivot and shield the ball, then 1x1)

1 player under the basket

3 or 4 players with ball outside the bucket, distributed or the field

- Give numbers to the players

- Calling out numbers, defender must quickly step out and take up position

2 baskets, spread out:

- left-hand lay-up

- Shooting from 5 positions (1x1, loser press-ups).

- Free running (head of the bucket ball, 2x2 free running to score, emphasis on defense)

- Reaction game (1 defender in the middle, 3 players with ball around the bucket, call out number)

5 lines on the back line, trainer has the ball.

- 2 rows are defenders, rest is attack

- Everyone has to touch the middle line and then attack or defend

- Trainer throws ball in the field or in the circle

2 teams, 1 ball (variant without ball, without hands)

Dribble and follow with slides, zig/zag between the lines. Pay attention to slides, footwork. Start on back line and after the last pawn 1-1.


  • 3 against 2 with passing every time. 
  • Help each other in defense when someone is free. 
  • The attackers learn to use a man advantage and to finish. 
  • Speed, precision, good passing and team play are necessary here.
drawing 3 v 2
  • Everyone stands back to back. 
  • The first one throws the ball against the board, the rest time well each time to catch the ball in the air and throw it against the board again,.
  • The 20th throws the ball into goal. 
  • Do this both right and left. 
  • They walk around cone or coach each time and rejoin at the back.
drawing rebound exercise
  • The players all stand back to back on the center line. 
  • On the sideline there are 4 different colored cones. 
  • The players have to do triple trades on the center line and step sliders to the height of the color that the coach mentioned. 
  • And then back again.
drawing step-slide exercise

This exercise is intended to teach the basics of HELP defense


  • Explain weak side/strong side.
  • Explain 3 positions: man with ball, strong side, weak side.
  • Make pairs: 1 attacker, 1 defender.
  • Stand in attack.
  • Put defenders down.


  • Practice dry passing only static.
  • Send to the baseline!
  • Swap out the help: 
    • By calling