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Basketball drills for technique passing

  • Setup:
    • 4 groups
    • 2 baseline
    • 2 centerline
    • Balls to the midline
  • Midline player dribbles past pylon and passes to corner
  • Shot in the corner
  • Left and right start alternately
  • Dribbling past on the left is passing with the left hand
  • Passing on the right is passing with the right hand
  • Careful with passing
drawing Shooting drill
15 minutes basket ball throwing

Exercise 1: throwing
  • run-up from cone position V to position III side A.
Exercise 2: throw 1 arm
  • run-up position II and catch ball with outstretched arm.
Exercise 3: with keys and intermediate key OH & TT.

Exercise 4: TB are replaced with ball , player runs on and keys to player at position 2.

Exercise 5: player at position 5.

Exercise 6: player chooses 2 or 5 - overplay to where he is not.
  • Setup:
    • 3 groups
    • Top, down left, down right
  • Top passes to right, player already running to next spots
  • Player receiving ball passes to next -who is also already running.
  • Important to pass in front of the player.
  • Important to pass with right hand and left as we turn.
  • 30 successful passes.
drawing Passing triangle
  • Setup:
    • Standing per 2 on top of each other
  • Chest pass
  • Bone pass
  • Right pass with 1 hand, step around push pass.
  • Left pass
  • Overhead pass
  • Variations:
    • Defender between the 2.
    • If pass wrong, passer becomes defender.
drawing Partner fitting
  • Setup:
    • 2 players in offense
    • 2 players on defense
    • 2 players at the free throw line
    • 2 players at the other free throw line
    • Teams of 2 stay together
  • Play 2 on 2 until there is a score or stop
  • Defense gives outlet pass to player at free throw line level
  • On score, insert ball behind baseline
  • These go 2-on-2 to other side of the court
  • Offense becomes defense and returns!
  • Team that defended connects at the level of the free throw line
  • Variations:
    • 3 against 3
drawing 2 on 2 get back
  • Setup:
    • Half players baseline
    • Half players half court
    • 1 player starts at the bucket
  • Starting player throws the ball against the board and takes rebound
  • Chin the ball
  • Turn and dribble towards center line
  • Outlet pass to player centerline
  • Midline player goes for a layup
  • Dribbling return to baseline
  • Variations:
    • With defender other side of field
drawing Outlet drill
  • Setup:
    • 3 teams of 3 players
    • 3 players in the middle with ball
  • Attacking to one side
  • Defense to the center line, even after ball loss
  • No ball back
  • To score 7 times first
drawing 3 by 3 by 3
  • Setup:
    • Players distributed on the 4 corners of a half court
    • Posts at the bottom
    • Wings at the top
  • Wing passes to other wing
  • Post opposite corner runs up and receives the pass
  • Post other corner runs up and does a hard basket cut to the bottom, receives the pass and finishes
  • Variations:
    • Wings switch sides
    • Posts switch sides
drawing Four corner passing
  • Players distributed on the 4 corners of a half court.
  • 2 posts, 2 wings.
  • Wing passes to other wing.
  • Post opposite corner runs up and receives the pass.
  • Post other corner runs up and does a hard basket cut to the bottom, receives the pass and finishes.
  • Wings switch sides.
  • Posts switch sides.
drawing Four corner passing
  • 3 teams of 3 players
  • 3 players in the middle
  • Attacking
  • Defense up to the center line, even after ball loss
drawing 3 by 3 by 3
  • 2 players on offense.
  • 2 players on defense.
  • 2 players at the free throw line.
  • 2 players at the level of the other free throw line.
  1. Play 2 against 2 until there is a score or stop.
  2. Defense gives outlet pass to player at height free throw line.
  3. These go 2-for-2 to other side of the court.
  4. Offense becomes defense and returns.
  5. Defense goes to height free throw line.
Variation: can also go 3-on-3.

Note: ball entered behind baseline, with defense.
drawing 2 on 2, get back
  • Half players baseline.
  • Half players half court.
  1. Player baseline throws against board and takes rebound.
  2. Chin the ball.
  3. Turn and dribble toward middle line.
  4. Outlet pass to player middle line.
  5. Player middle line goes for a layup.
  6. Dribbling return to baseline.
  7. Now with defender other side of field.
drawing Outlet drill