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Basketball drills for technique passing

  • Everyone stands in a circle and start with 1 ball.
  • The first player calls out the name of the person he/she wants to pass to and only when he/she looks does the player give a pass of their choice; collision, chest, overhead.
  • If this goes well, you can differentiate to multiple balls.
Per 2 players facing each other.

Play ball across:
  • Chest pass.
  • Right pass -step around push pass-.
  • Left pass.
  • Overhead pass.
Put a defender between the 2.
On wrong pass, passer becomes the defender.
drawing Partner fitting
  • 3 groups: Top, down left, down right.
  • Top passes to right, player already running to next spot.
  • Important to pass in front of player
  • 30 successful passes.
drawing Passing triangle
  • B passes the ball to C
    • B runs to cone receives ball
    • B scores lay up
    • B joins row C
  • C passes the ball back to line B
    • C goes to take the rebound from B
    • C goes to line A
  • A passes the ball to B
    • A connects in row B
drawing Warming up, 3 rows

Different variants:

Opposite each other (pairs, 5 meters apart)

  • Chest pass
  • Bounce pass
  • 2 balls (bounce and chest at the same time)
  • Pass with defender in between (over head, step out, watch defender)
  • Under time pressure (as many passes as possible in 1 minute - count out loud)

2 rows

  • Pass and close behind (chasing the ball)
  • Players line up in 2 groups on the same side of the field (sideline).
  • Everyone except the first two in line have a ball.
  • The players without ball run to the opposite side of the field. (top of key) 
  • The first player with the ball dribbles to the 3 point line on the side where he is standing and passes the ball to the incoming player at the top.
  • When he takes the ball. (Swing the ball, fake, crossover, drive and finish with lay-up.)
  • The player who passed the ball runs to the other side of the court where his drill begins.
  • On one side L and other side R lay-up.
drawing cross-over + finishing lay-up L and R
  • Playing from 5 spots 
  • After each ball is taken, an action is made to the basket. 
  • This can be done in a drive or with a shot.
  • When the attacker is stopped by a defender, he passes the ball to the outside and cuts to the basket, via the baseline he mans a free spot in the corner.
  • When a drive is initiated, the defense can either go into help defense, which always leaves someone free at the 3-point line. 
  • When the defense does not go into help defense, the attackers must run free in order to be able to receive the ball when the driver gets stuck.
  • Important is the speed between receiving the ball and the drive. 
  • When the defense presses too high a cut to the basket can also be made to get free from his defender.
  • 3 against 2 with passing every time. 
  • Help each other in defense when someone is free. 
  • The attackers learn to use a man advantage and to finish. 
  • Speed, precision, good passing and team play are necessary here.
drawing 3 v 2
  • Red dot dribbles in while blue dot runs in to defend.
  • Red dot passes the ball to the white dot in the corner who immediately takes a shot.
  • Blue dot runs to the low post after the close out and gets the ball passed from red cone.
  • Red cone takes the rebound and goes to the top blue dot takes own rebound and goes to the corner where red cone was standing.
drawing  overhead pass to corner - 3point corner -post play
  • 4 Players on the baseline.
  • Player B has ball and dribbles to the cone.
  • B passes to player C.
  • B and C go to goal.
  • Player A and D sprint around the cone and start defending.
drawing RUN AND PLAY 2-2
With 3 men on the back line and the middle having the ball
  • The middle passes to a man
  • Runs after the ball.
  • Who passes to the man on the other side
  • Also runs after the ball.
  • They do this while running to the basket on the other side.
  • When someone is close enough to the basket, the man runs a lay-up.
NOTE: no ball on the ground, so the other must rebound (even when scoring)!
Everyone in the trio must have scored once.
If that takes more than 6 attempts, then they all have to do 10 pushups
2 rows on the baseline, 2 balls (first see if it runs with 2 balls)
  • Front player no ball.
    • Comes up to elbow on the other side bucket.
  • Gets ball.
    • Takes shot (own rebound, ball to row on side where he takes shot.
  • Player who passes runs around the player to other side bucket.
    • Gets ball.
drawing warming up - shot elbow