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Basketball drills for technique passing

  • 2 rows and 1 outlet standing slightly lower (on side of row with ball)
  • Player without ball makes in/out v-cut and comes up to free throw line (asking for the ball)
  • Player in 2nd row passes and goes to rebound passes to outlet on the other side and connects
  • Player who shot the ball becomes outlet at the other end
When the ball bounces far from the hoop (2 options, no matter which player joins the row with the ball)

4 pylons, at each pylon 1 player (1 or 2 players rebound)
  • Pass the ball down
  • Cut to the other side
Fill positions and ball goes through passes to the other side low, where the player takes a shot
drawing 5-out drill: Pass and Cut Drill
  • Players at the baseline have the ball.
  • He passes the ball to the blue player and walks towards the other baseline.
  • He gets the ball back and passes it to the red player.
  • He gets the ball back and passes the ball to the orange player.
  • He gets the ball back and dribbles to the basket and finishes with lay up.
  • When the blue player has passed the ball he runs to the spot of the red player.
  • The red player to the orange player and the orange player takes the rebound and starts the exercise on the other side.
  • Variations in finishing and eventually close out and live defence possible.
drawing warm up with passing and lay up
  • The players line up in two groups on the sideline near the halfway line.
  • The first 2 players of the red group line up on one side of the field and have the ball.
  • One player of the blue team lines up on the other side.
  • As soon as the attacking team crosses the centre line, the 2nd player of the blue team runs around the cone in the centre circle and starts defending.
  • Attacking players try to score before the 2nd player gets there.
drawing 2 to 1 +1
  • Player on top attacks the basket.
  • Passes along the baseline.
  • Ball to corner makes quick extra pass to wing who takes the 3 point shot.
  • The player at the corner runs to the basket immediately after the pass.
  • Where that gets the ball from the player on the wing on the opposite side works off under the hoop.
  • White triangle takes rebound from the 3 point shot.
  • Blue player takes own rebound. (Passing clockwise.)
drawing baseline pass after drive extra pass rebound
  • Square formation, 2 balls.
  • Player passes and runs diagonally to the other row.
  • Receiving player passes on.
  • Balls thus go around the sides of the square, and the player crosses only diagonally.
  • (1 passes to 2, 3 passes to 4, then 2 to 3 and 4 to 1)
drawing Passing square
  • Four pylons, rows with 1 ball.
  • Player with ball dribbles to the middle, jump-stops, pivots (right foot, turns to the right) and passes.
  • Connect behind in row to which you pass.
  • Variation:
  • Pivot to left and pass.
  • Observations:
  • Make a good jump stop.
drawing Warming up: pass, jump stop
  • Create square, 3 against 2.
  • Team of 3 must pass X times without dribbling.
  • Points of attention:
    • Pivot well, protect the ball, pass well, stay calm.
    • If someone gives bad pass (arc pass) then whole team push up.
  • You set up a course with pawns, benches.
  • Pawns:
    • Slalom
  • Benches:
    • Walking and dribbling.
  • Passing to the other side.
  • At each part someone is ready to start.
  • You pass the ball from a distance to the next person.
  • Czech Square
    • Chest pass.
    • Bouncepass.
    • Push pass.
    • Overhead pass.
  • Show us where you want the ball!
  • Passing in such a way that the receiver does not have to hold back, but can simply run on.

  • Rows of 5-6 men, 2 per basket, 1 ball per row.
  • Throw ball against the board, next player catches and throws again immediately against the board.
  • U12-2 must catch ball in the air.


  • Breaking free, learning in/out, 5 out (keep moving).
  • Free with defender, receive ball and score.
  • 2x2, also possible with 3x3, 4x4 (vests), trainer passes (or good player).