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Basketball drills for technique passing

  • Player 1 dribbles while zigzagging between the pillars.
  • At the end you dribble back.
  • Back at the start, grab the ball and make a maximum of 2 passes.
  • During the last 2 passes, player 2 takes over the ball and dribbles the course.
  • Repeat for 1 minute
drawing zig-zag dribble and pass
  • Position 1. Minimum of 3 players. Every other spot 2.
  • Return other side withmid-court pass to runner. 2 steps lay-up.
  • Pos. 1 goes to 2.
  • Pos. 2 goes to 3
  • Pos. 4 goes to 5
  • Pos 5 goes to pos 1. (With ball)
  • Pos 6. (Coach/Assistant)
drawing Passinglines fast-break drill
  • 2 players start on 3 point line + 1 player with ball on top
  • Players 2 and 3 sprint to baseline and back.
  • Player 1 passes ball to player 2 or 3. Player 2 and 3 then play 1x1.
  • Variation :
    • In a second phase, passes can also be made to the player on top who then passes back.
drawing 1 x 1 - 1 x 2
  • outlet pass two by two attacks
  • and then quickly swipe
drawing Outlet pass
  • Pass layup
  • on the last pass there is a defender in a place where you can easily pass
drawing Pass layup
  • 2 or more players have the ball and walk/dribble through each other
  • On signal, the person with the ball passes to the first person he/she makes eye contact with
  • repeat maximum 8 times

drawing direct pass
  • 2 players start on 3 point line + 1 player with the ball on top
  • Players 2 and 3 sprint to baseline and back.
  • Player 1 passes ball to player 2 or 3. Player 2 and 3 then play 1x1.
  • 4. Variation :
    • In a second phase the ball can also be passed to the player on top who then passes back.
drawing 1 x 1 - 1 x 2
  1. Player with ball, other player standing at a cone.
  2. Player step-slides to other cone and receives pass, passes back and step-slide back to previous cone.
  3. After 30" change
drawing passing + speed
  • Shooting warm-up.
  • Matching pairs starting from the back line to the halfway line.
  • Minimum of 3 passes.
  • When you reach the halfway line, the player on the sideline dribbles to the middle, between the legs, behind the back around the pylon and back to the right.
  • Other player runs to a pylon outside the bucket, runs around it and offers himself for the pass.
  • Then takes the shot.
  • Passer rebounds and moves to opposite side of court for pairs, passes to opposite side and lay-up.
  • Ball may not touch ground.
  • Coach with ball on the baseline/out off bounce.
  • 2 off. players on ft-line.
  • Plus 2 defenders.
  • Screen/roll get ball.Defenders go to sideline and become offense.
  • 2 dribbles, pass to mid-player on midcourt. Players passes it to either side. 3 v 2.
  • After score, offenders go to row for f-line start.
  • Defenders go to rows midcourt.Boxing-OUT

A) Post 4 is 1 meter outside bucket near baseline with the ball.
B) Player sprints from top 3-pointline to side post A, gets the pass.
C) Post weakside flashes up high on ballside. Gets ball, turnsfor pass (above head)
A) Posts-up before the basket, gets ball and fininshes. Make headfake one side go other side.
After drill,A gives ball to row A and goes to row C.
C goes to row B. B to A.

  • Shooting warm-up.
  • Matching pairs starting from the back line to the halfway line.
  • Minimum of 3 passes.
  • When you reach the halfway line, the player on the sideline dribbles to the middle, between the legs, behind the back around the pylon and back to the right.
  • Other player runs to a pylon outside the bucket, runs around it and offers himself for the pass.
  • Then takes the shot.
  • Passer rebounds and passes to other side of court for pairs passing to the other side and lay-up.
  • Ball may not touch ground.