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Basketball drills for technique passing

  • 3 and 7 run to the circle and look to the right to receive ball from 1 and 5.
  • 1 and 5 run after ball and then stand in the circle.
  • 3 and 7 pass to the man opposite them (i.e. 4 and 8) and chase ball,
  • 4 and 8 pass to 1 and 5 in the circle and chase the ball and stand in the circle.
  • 1 and 5 pass directly to 6 and 2 and chase the ball.
  • 6 and 2 then pass to 4 and 8 in the circle and chase their ball and stand in the circle 4 and 8 pass directly to 3 and 8 who can pass to 6 and 2 in the circle. 6 and 2 pass directly to 1 and 5 and the circle is complete.
  • In fact, everyone is chasing his or her pass.
  • A. 4-6 player left or right on three-point line.
  • B. 4-6 players left or right under the basket with the ball.
  • A runs in, receives pass from B. A makes jump stop. B is in position to pass.
  • Jump-stop A for B. Pivot/rotate around B and score.
  • A. with ball to row B, B to row A. (do not run through exercise, via sideline).
  • 1 or 2 baskets depending on number of players.

5 players are ready at the free throw line coach stands at the free throw line

after the shot, the 4 catches the ball (hit or not) and takes it out on the other side of the board.

  • 1 crosses by the shooter and gets the ball
  • 2 is already running away
  • 5 is already walking towards the post
  • 3 runs to other wing, and gets pass from 1 with hard dribble to the ring.

After each action 2, 4 and 5 run in for rebound. 4 takes ball out again, 1 runs on line.

  • First action is 4 takes ball out, and passes to 1, who dribbles to center and passes to 2 who goes with 1 hard dribble to the ring.
  • Next action is pass 4 -> 1 -> 2 -> 5 into post for action under basket
  • Next action is pass 4 -> 1 -> 3 -> 1 for shot on top
  • Next action is pass 4 -> 1 -> 2 -> 4 in the high post trailer
  • Last action is long pass from 4 to 3 for the last minute shot/layup.
drawing Fast break situations
  • Everyone gives far passes and the other does layup.
  • Light running back.
  • Ball up pass to bed.
  • the down man runs in and passes to the middle man.
  • The middle man passes to the first passer
  • who runs in for a lay up.
  • The players line up behind each other.
  • The aim is to pass the ball through your legs to the other player.
  • When you have passed the ball, you stand behind each other.
  • The goal is to be the first team to reach the other side.
  • players stand at the baseline on 5 lines 1 group in the middle the other 2 groups at the ends of the field the other 2 in between.
  • The ball goes from the central player to player 2 who stands to the right of player 1.
  • Then player 1 goes behind player 2 and passes player 4.
  • While this is happening player 2 passes to player 3, and player 2 runs behind player 3 and past player 5 towards goal.
  • Then player 3 passes to player 4 and performs the same overtaking move.
  • When this happens, player 3 passes to player 4 and performs the same overtaking move.
  • if player 5 is still too far from the goal he passes to player 1 who has to finish
  • As soon as this is done the last passer and finisher go back in sprint defence to the other half where they will play 3 against 2.
  • From the end of this fastbreak the shotter goes back into defence and the defending players attack.
  • option:
    • After this they can play 1 vs 1 back.
  • Goal:
    • Get shooter free shot wing.
  • 3 rows. Guard 1 with ball.
  • 2 and 3 wing.
  • Wing 2 sets low screen perimeter bucket. (Later double with center)
  • Wing 3 cuts through bucket past screen.
  • Set screen so Wing 3 can cut to wing, free shot.
  • If defender cheats, touch Wing 2.
  • Wing 2 goes up, 3 go's back to orig. position.
  • Always roll after screen.
    • 1 go's to 2,
    • 2 go's to 3.
    • 3 go's to 2
  • Goal:
    • Post up the pivot.
    • Feed the pivot. 2 on 2.
  • Use all means, backscreen, pick-and-roll. Boxing-out.
  • (Needed for 3out-2 in system)
  • 1 ball per side. (2 shots allowed when rebounded)
  • Score, offense stays offense.
  • Post weakside high,
  • post ballside low.
  • Rest in regular 3 out/2in position.
  • Goal:
    • Free shot from Wing3,
    • Wing 2 or pass to pivot rolling-off.
    • Mind cheating defenders.




