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Basketball drills

  • 2 players, one ball.
  • Player A one side/under the basket (rebounder shot)
  • Player B approx. 3,5m from the basket (FT-line).
  • Back too the ring.
  • Backfoot 135degrees. Step in, get bll. shoot.
  • 10 shots in a row. switch.
drawing Trigger step on Catch (135dg)
  • finger tip over head for chest cupboard.
  • around head, waist, knee
  • make between legs
  • release ball between legs and change hands to catch without impact.
  • throw ball behind back over shoulder left right.
  • 10x right dribble 10x left dribble. pushing hard on the ball and not looking at the ball.
  • 2x right cross to left 2x left cross ... Don't look at ball
  • Dribble an 8 through the legs and keep the ball low.
  • Keep dribbling the ball behind your back.
  • Dribble between the legs front and back
  • Position 1. Minimum of 3 players. Every other spot 2.
  • Return other side withmid-court pass to runner. 2 steps lay-up.
  • Pos. 1 goes to 2.
  • Pos. 2 goes to 3
  • Pos. 4 goes to 5
  • Pos 5 goes to pos 1. (With ball)
  • Pos 6. (Coach/Assistant)
drawing Passinglines fast-break drill
  • 6-10 players.
  • Passing around the bucket. Practising helpsidedefense.
  • Incl. low post cutting along baseline.
  • Other basket.
  • Player 1 with ball under the basket, roll ball to plater 2. Close-out.
  • Player 2 drive to the basket, only over baseline!!!!
drawing Helpside drill and offense drill/baseline close.
  • 5 players.
  • 3 offensive,
  • 2 passive defensive players.
  • Well executed,
  • possible to add 1 off
  • and 1 def player in corner.
drawing Pass to player on dunckerspot
  • 3 guys outside 3-point line.
  • Pass/Dribble right, move right.
  • Pass the ball to moving player when he is outside again. (Pure for the drill, insidelay-up is goal 1)
  • (Defenders can be added later.)
  • Score 10 free throws.
  • When you score your first free throw, you may take your second.
  • When you miss your first shot, you sprint back and forth twice.
  • You slide over the back lines and over the middle line and sprint over the other lines.
  • You run an eight twice and then a rest and that 3 times.
  • You start in the corner
drawing figure eights
  • You dribble to the center line while the defender sends you to one side until the basket-basket line and the off line after the center line 1v1
drawing crisp
  • outlet pass two by two attacks
  • and then quickly swipe
drawing Outlet pass
  • Pass layup
  • on the last pass there is a defender in a place where you can easily pass
drawing Pass layup
  • 2 or more players have the ball and walk/dribble through each other
  • On signal, the person with the ball passes to the first person he/she makes eye contact with
  • repeat maximum 8 times

drawing direct pass