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Basketball drills

  • Post-up in the middle (bucket).
  • Defender lets attacker get in front of him.
  • Post-up (good!!)
  • Attacker receives pass from the head.
  • 1 on 1 (until defender has ball).
  • 5 scores.
  • Then switch.

A) Player with ball and defender on three-point line.
B) Player lay with defender, edge of bucket. Puts screen on ball.

  • A passes, layup, or watches for roll off B to the basket.
  • 2 on 2.
  • Expandable with 2 to 3 attackers/defenders.
  • They then put screen on player without ball.

  • 2 centers next to each other on the free throw line.
  • Passer with ball around 3-point line right or left of bucket.
  • Center on the side of the ball fakes and moves to low.
  • Or they switch spots and other center goes low.
  • One of them popped-out or is free on the header.
  • Other goes to low weakside.
  • Defenders at 2 centers and 1 extra in center bucket.
  • Extendable. (test)
  • Shooting warm-up.
  • Matching pairs starting from the back line to the halfway line.
  • Minimum of 3 passes.
  • When you reach the halfway line, the player on the sideline dribbles to the middle, between the legs, behind the back around the pylon and back to the right.
  • Other player runs to a pylon outside the bucket, runs around it and offers himself for the pass.
  • Then takes the shot.
  • Passer rebounds and passes to other side of court for pairs passing to the other side and lay-up.
  • Ball may not touch ground.
  • Post-up with defender and passer sideline.
  • Post-up middle bucket with full defense.
  • Shooting other basket. Minimum of 4 players.
  • Passer (without ball) low bucket left or right. (Coach).
  • 2 players or three-point line opposite passer.
  • Other players under the basket with ball.
  • Dribble to pilon, spindribble out, open and pass to player at 3-point line.
  • Passes to coach. Makes action to pilon and gets free for shot, pass back from coach, shot, own rebound and pass.
  1. Walk around the half track (2 laps)
  2. Put a chair on two sides. When you are at the chair, sit down, get up immediately and walk around.
  3. Put hoops on the corners. When you step into the hoop, you make an stretching movement as if you were scoring the ball
  4. Take a ball and dribble with it along the track, doing the movements described in 2 and 3. At 2, do five dribbles in a sitting position.

  • Parcours cris-cros over the field with dribble,
  • cross-over,
  • high and low dribble

4 or 5 takes ball. With double screen for 1.


3 joins 5 or 4, depends on who takes ball below baseline. Watch your opponent.....! Be smart, think in the field!
3 sets up double screen with 5 (or 4).
1 can cut along here on 2 sides. 3 rolls off to the outside. (Can also get the ball from 4), 5 rolls off to 1 side. Depending on choice of side screen by 1.
2 moves to baseline and comes back to spot for possible shot.

4 or 5, steps into the field. 1 now has shot/lay-up or 3 pass possibilities. 3 provides defensive balance.


  1. Wave from mid-court. (Tempo)
  2. Free-throws 2x2 p.p. After 2 shots. Slides from back-court to mid. Sprint back. (Tempo)
  3. Shooting drill bucket.
    • 2 rows under the basket.
    • One with ball.
    • Get ball from passer just outside bucket.
    • Shooter rebounds own shot.
    • Change rows.
    • Pass-shot-rebound in quick order.
    • P1 with ball in row A. P2 with ball in row B.
  4. Stretching.

  • Center stands with defender on low post with the ball.
    • (4 lines, 2 defense, 2 offense. Swap spots after each shot)
  • Pass to forward.
    • (Passive defense drill)
  • After pass, center runs to three-point line.
    • (Defense defending in the back)
  • Forward pass to center on 3pointline.
  • Cut forward to basket/pass center, hand-off from center, forward over head, over or under.
  • Passive defense. As offense skills increase, passive defense can be converted to active defense.
    • (Connecting exercise to 3-out, 2-in offense).
  • Expansion: 3rd player with defender low pivot weakside.
  • 3 against 3 in triangle.
  • Passer/shooter. 2 pairs per basket. Can also be done with 3 couples.
  • Position 1. Head. Run to center line (touch hand) and back, catch pass. (10x)
  • Position 2. Outside bucket, extended post-up line. Touch sideline.
  • Position 3. Cup. Touch back line.