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Basketball drills


players must be able to run a lay up from a bounce pass

Goal: learn
how to punish the overplaying of the forward by an aggressive defense


  • guard dribbles up from behind the centre circle
  • at the same moment the centre 4 comes to the elbow
  • and player 3 sprints to the pawn
  • 1 passes to 4 with a bounce pass
  • 3 sprints to the basket with a sharp change of direction and speed
  • and receives the bounce pass from 4


  • 4 grabs the rebound
  • and takes the ball on the back line
  • 3 goes to defend the inbound pass
  • when 9 receives the ball, 7 takes position at the sideline for the next inbound pass
  • 4 and 5 do not rotate but take turns.
  • 1 joins the line behind the pawn
  • 9 passes the ball to 8 and joins the row behind it


  • 1 pretends he is going to put a screen away on the weak side, but cuts to 4 for a hand off
  • takes the shot
  • OR plays pick and roll with 4

Teaching Points:

  • Sprint to the pawn: when passing, you as the attacker must take the defender well outside the three-point line to make enough space for the backdoor.
  • 1 has to feint immediately after the pass to be in time for the hand off.



players on the dribble can defend Â- and can make a pass the length of the field


to practice defending the backfield in the arrowpress Â- to anticipate the pass and always make sure you are in a position to intercept it


  • 4 takes the ball and then does not take part in the game anymore, but counts down the seconds
  • defender 5 applies maximum pressure on the dribbler
  • the defenders can defend all over the field
  • attacker 1 may only act on the defensive half Â- attackers 2 and 3 only on the offensive half
  • after a stop or score, defender 5 takes the ball back for the next round
  • if the attackers score within 10 seconds they have a point Â- if not, it is a point for the defenders Â- the attacker calls if there is a foul on him. Point for the attack.
  • play 5 times in a row with the same defenders
  • 3 new attackers each time.
  • If the defenders make less than 2 stops, they must run.
  • when there are 2 or more stops, all attackers must run.

Teaching points:

defend the dribbler on your feet - he may not pass you under any circumstances Â- arms wide to make a pass difficult Â- defender 6 must anticipate the long pass to intercept it Â- must position himself so that he can see the ball AND both other attackers as much as possible (split vision) Â- always adjust his position on the field to intercept the most likely pass Â- if he has not been able to intercept the long pass, Â- He must NOT allow a lay up Â- Defender 5 must then sprint full speed towards the free attacker on the weak side.


In the beginning, you may have to limit the space for attackers 2 and 3. Use existing lines on the floor, or place pawns on the sidelines on the attacking half.

  • The player gets the ball thrown to you
  • Do a crossover and shoot the ball at the first position
  • Do the same at the second position
  • And so onshot-drill

Players gather on the right or left side of the center line.
The first two have a ball.
There are two catchers under the basket.
From the center line you dribble to the basket and make a lay-up.
The catcher catches the ball and passes it to the next player in line.
You do this until you have scored 15 times and then you change sides.

  • wave-9
    With 3 men on the back line and the middle one has the ball
  • The middle passes to a man and runs after the ball
  • The man in the middle passes to the man on the other side, who also runs after the ball.
  • They do this while running to the basket on the other side.
  • When someone is close enough to the basket, the man runs a lay-up.
  • He becomes the defender and the other two attackers must try to reach each other with a long ball.
  • The goal of the defender is to prevent the attackers from scoring.
  • If the attackers do not manage to score, they must do 5 push-ups.


  • One person shoots free throws.
  • Two other players stand behind the one who shoots the free throws. (According to the rules of the game)
  • Once the ball is gone, the three players go for the rebound.
  • If the person who threw the free throw has the ball, he can take another free throw.
  • If he does not have the rebound, the three players are replaced by the next three.
  1. 3 attackers have a ball + 1 defender lined up as in the picture on the right.

  2. The defender starts tipping in the middle of the bucket.

  3. The coach calls out the name of one of the attackers (or a number).

  4. When the name is called, the defender sprints to the right attacker and follows one of three commands:

  5. X1 dribbles via the baseline 2 to 3 dribbles. The defender takes a charge here.

  6. X2 makes a shot fake, the defender makes a close out. Later expand to fake + dribble.

  7. X3 dribbles from the baseline to the basket. The defender has to close out the baseline here.


  • 4 pawns with ribbons (positioned low to the ground)
  • 1 basketball per person

1. The player jumps over the ribbon with 2 feet at the same time, while holding the basketball in front of him at chest height.

2. The player jumps backwards back to the middle.

3. In the middle, the player makes a jump bringing the basketball up (arms extended) and the player makes a 180 C turn.

4. The exercise repeats facing the other side.


  • 4 pawns with ribbons stretched across them (1 ribbon per 2 pawns). Make sure the formation is not too high above the floor. Therefore use low pawns or spotlights.

1. The player starts next to the pawns.

2. The players jump from right to left over the ribbons in 'skating jumps', always putting their weight on the outside leg.

3. Make sure the players are sitting low and always land with only one leg and take off from this leg.


2-ball-pass-2-man-shot-basketball-drill-1Player 1 has 2 balls and dribbles to the pawn with both balls.

Player 2 cuts from the corner to the wing.

Player 1 makes a 1 hand push pass to player 2 on the wing.

With the other ball player 1 makes a cross over and shoots the ball.

Player 2 makes a jump shot.


the low post


  • 5 stands extremely deep, near the bottom line
  • as soon as 3 starts to dribble, 1 starts to screen for 5
  • he crosses over to the block on the other side (picture 2)
  • 1 fills the guard position (picture 2)
  • as soon as 3 has matched the post (5), he cuts across to the ring
  • at the same time, 1 sprints to the corner for the shot

5 has 3 options:

1) adjust 3 for the lay up2
) adjust 1 for the shot3
) play 1 against 1 himself against 6

Teaching points:

  • timing: the pass to the center must come at the moment it arrives on the block
  • at the split, leave enough space for the (bounce) pass.
  • 1 sprints straight to the corner as soon as the pass is hit, so that defender 4 is hampered by cutting in 3 and his defender


  • in preparation run 3 against 0 and systematically go through the various options.
  • left and right
  • Cut below
  • 2 rows on the center line and an outlet.
  • Right side starts with ball and runs lay-up and left side catches it as high as possible.
  • The catcher passes to the outlet and the outlet to the next man in the right row, etc.
  • After a desired number of scores, do the same on the other side.figure-circles-1