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Basketball drills

  • Player 1 sets up under the board with a ball.
  • Player 1 jumps 3 times and taps the board with the ball after which he finishes.
  • Player 2 takes the rebound and passes to player 3.
  • At the same time player 1 runs to player 3 where he pulls the ball out of his hands -giving resistance- and immediately goes to the hoop to score.
  • He takes his own rebound and repeats the exercise.
drawing Big guy jump - finish
  • Starting lineup:
    • 1 player at the free throw line
    • 5 players stand around the bucket
  • Course:
    • Player takes the free throw
    • Other players fight for the rebound
    • 1 point if you score the free throw
    • 1 point if you take the rebound
    • Play to 5 points
    • Each in turn, shuffle through clockwise
  • Progression:
    • 2 points if it is an offensive rebound
    • Play to 7 points
  • Regression:
    • Having fewer players rebound
drawing Free throws with rebound
  • Starting position:
    • 1 attacker
    • 1 defender
    • 1 passer with ball
    • Other players stand behind the passer
  • Progression:
    • Attacker must run free to receive the pass
    • Once the pass is given, they play 1 on 1
    • Stay on a quarter court
  • Progression:
    • Put the better players together
    • Maximum of 5 dribbles
  • Regression:
    • Pass may be returned to the passer
drawing 1 vs. 1 with passer on a quarter court
  • Starting lineup:
    • 1 group left under goal, second player a ball.
    • 1 group right under goal, first player a ball.
    • Coach stands just in front of goal.
  • Progression:
    • Player 1 without ball runs around the coach and receives the pass from player 2 and does a lay-up.
    • Player 2 runs around the coach and receives the ball from the next player and does a lay-up.
    • Players take their own rebound.
    • Pass ball to own side.
  • Progression:
    • Coach takes a step backwards.
    • Coach takes another step backwards.
  • Regression:
    • Taking shot instead of layup.
drawing Lay-up under goal
  • Blue stands behind the free throw line.
  • Red stands with his back to blue with the ball.
  • On the starting signal, blue sprints to the baseline and sprints back to defend
  • Red sprints to the center line and back to attack.
  • Always score.
drawing 1 vs. 1
  • Outward, the classic weave is run.
  • Back, the weave is run up to the center line.
  • The next 3 players ready to run the weave catch the current 3 players half court and a 3 versus 3 situation is created from which a score must always be scored.
  • After the score, the newest 3 players run the weave and the next 3 will catch these players half court for a 3 versus 3.
drawing Weave with 3 Versus 3 situation
This is a high tempo drill:
  • One shooter to the left and one shooter to the right of the Bucket
  • The rest of the players stand under the board with a ball
  • White passes to the trainer -triangle red
  • The trainer passes left or right to one of the shooters
  • White provides a good Close Out, going high towards the shooter with 2 arms and contesting the shooter
  • The archer tries to hit under pressure
  • After 1 minute switch shooters
  • Variation: different shooting positions
drawing Shooting Under Pressure & Close Out
  • The attacker is given very little space to maneuver past the defender
  • The attacker is not allowed to look at the ball
  • The attacker accelerates
  • The defender starts working on his footwork
  • Once past the hats, the field is wider and scoring is possible
  • Always score
  • Variation: the defender stands in the middle of the narrowed field and the attacker starts further back so you get a more game-like situation
drawing 1 VS 1 Tight cone drill
  • Teams of 2 people
  • 5 hats on one side of the bucketline
  • Make slides to hat, pick up hat and bring hat to other bucketline with slides
  • When a player has brought all hats from one side to the other, the next player can bring the hats back to the other side with slides.
  • Team that first has all hats back to the starting position wins
  • Losers 10 push ups.
  • Variation: run, slides and run
drawing Slides
  • Blue sprints to the center circle
  • Slides to corner
  • Sprint to center line
  • Slides across center line
  • Blue grabs a ball from one of the 2 hoops and makes a lay up
  • Sprint to corner
  • Tipping ball overhead on fingers and putting ball back into one of the hoops
  • Sprint to baseline -starting position-
  • Variation: With jumpshot; 15 hit
drawing Step slide lay up drill
  • Stand with the whole group in a circle in the middle of the field.
  • Each player 1 ball.
  • Dribble normal -hip height
  • Dribble low -below knee
  • Dribble extremely low -bounce no higher than ankle height
  • Dribble low -below knee
  • Dribble normal -hip height
  • Dribble extremely high -above shoulder
  • Dribble normal -hip height
  • Have the players sit while dribbling
  • Now have the players stand up dribbling
  • Have the players dribble sitting down again
  • Players now dribble between their legs
  • Have them stand again and make 8s between their legs, then ball around the waist as fast as possible, then the other way.
  1. Each part can be done with both hands
  2. The coach acts as an example.
drawing Basic dribbling
  • Starting lineup:
    • 2 groups at the level of the free throw line
    • 2 players top of the bucket
  • Conduct:
    • Coach throws ball -or collide or roll-.
    • 2 players fight for the ball and play 1-on-1
    • Defense must be between ball and goal
  • Progression:
    • Score with up to 5 dribbles
  • Regression:
    • AFTER
drawing 1 vs. 1 top