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Basketball drills

  • The 1st player dribbles through the cones to the baseline. 
  • Put the ball down on the baseline and do 4 step slide between baseline and midline.
  • Takes the ball back and dribbles to the cones and changes direction and scores lay up, 
  • After the rebound, print 5 times, 
drawing Igors circuit
  • Starting 2 player on baseline
  • Spurts to the cone and do step slide to next cone
  • The first player to take the ball does speed dribble to the other side to score. 
  • The other player becomes defender
drawing Defensive step slide +1-1
  • Two rows on the side at the height of the center line. 
  • Ball is on one side, attacker decides when he leaves and runs to the middle line, which he must cross all the way. 
  • The defender also departs but only has to touch the centre circle. 
  • Aim of the exercise is to come in front of the attacker as a defender. 
  • When a goal is made, 3 push-ups for the defender, a miss is 3 push-ups for the attacker.
drawing Recovery
  1. with 1 ball (repeat 2 or 3 times)
  2. Stand in a circle
    • 1 ball / dribble on the spot
    • call name of the other and bounce pass
    • No name mentioned is out of the circle!
    • Not captured, out of the circle!
  3. same with 2 balls (repeat 2 or 3 times)
drawing passing in a circle
  • Throw the ball above your head against the wall and catch it.
  • Short movements 
  • 1 minute

drawing ball skills rebound and throw


  • With 3 men on the back line and the middle one has a ball.
  • The middle one passes to a man and chases the ball.
  • The receiver keeps the ball behind him and the one who passed first takes the ball and passes on.
  • The person who has the ball behind his back runs behind the ball, picks it up at the receiver and passes on to the other side.
  • They do this while running to the basket on the other side.
  • If someone is close enough to the basket, the man plays a lay-up.
  • Make variations on the passing lines


  • At the whistle each player chooses a position around the three-point line
  • Who will stand where is not (yet) told. (chaos)
  • The trainer passes to one of the players and that player must try to score while the trainer defends.
  • At the whistle, each player runs to an agreed position (designated or mutually determined who will stand where).
  • The trainer passes the ball to a player who is trying to score while defending.
  • The other players are not allowed to come within the three-point line.        
    • At the whistle each player runs to their chosen position (agreed place).
    • The trainer passes to one of the players and that player must try to score while the trainer defends.
    • Now one of the other players may enter the circle and help with the attack. As soon as the ball has been passed, the person without the ball leaves the circle, after which another player may ask for the ball. There are never more than two attacking players within the three-point line.       

Repeat each exercise 3 times

drawing Find your spot (1)

To improve shooting, the players practice the movement first without the actual basket. 

  • They stand in position with knees slightly bent,
  • hold a basketball with the strong hand under the ball and the other hand behind it. 
  • The players bring the ball to the shot zone (in front of and above the head). 
  • Next, the players push the basketball in the desired direction after which the hand and wrist move downwards (gooseneck). 
  • If this goes well, the players can try to shoot in the direction of the basket.
  • They can vary with place and distance.

The players practice the lay-up. 

  • They divide themselves over 2 rows, 1 on the left side of the basket and 1 on the right side of the basket. 
  • The first player of each row dribbles to the basket with the strong hand. 
  • Then the player takes 2 steps, first with the strong leg, then with the weaker leg. 
  • The player takes a jump with the strong leg and tries to throw the ball against the square on the board after which it ends up in the basket. 
  • The player catches the ball and dribbles to the row on the other side and then ends at the back of the row to try it from the other side.

  • Centers
  • Starting from U16
  • 2 or 4 centers
  • 1 ball per pair
  • a basket 


  • Defending a turn around jump shot
  • box out after shot
  • stimulate offensive rebound after shot


  • attacker turns around his axis and shoots
  • Defender brings his body in front of the ball with a slide-step, as close as possible to the body of the attacker.
  • keeps both arms straight up (= wall) so that the attacker has less view of the basket and has to adjust his shot slightly to shoot over the outstretched arms
  • box out immediately after the shot
  • A goal is 1 point
  • offensive rebound is 2 points even after a goal
  • each player defends 5 times in a row
  • loser for each point difference: 2 push-ups

Teaching points:

  • feet slightly wider than shoulder width
  • knees slightly bent
  • upper body and arms vertically
  • NO batting movement towards the ball
  • stand up against the attacker by moving towards the attacker (the upper body remains vertical)


  • attacker starts under the ring, with his back to the back line and gives a short bounce pass to himself
  • attacker first makes a shoulder fake in the opposite direction just before the shot

Row under the basket, two in the center circle and two on the out.

  • Row plays to Out (and runs straight to the other basket)
  • Out passes to middle
  • Center passes to the catching player. 


  • Elbow shot
  • Outlet pass after scoring
  • overhead pass from low post to elbow


  • rebounding after shot and stepping directly over the back line and taking the ball
  • always follow the ball and take the next position
  • set a target; e.g. 30 shots

Teaching Points:

  • In the final step, bring the ball over the head and turn the face towards the field
  • tight overhead pass to the outlet
  • ask high for the ball
  • Pass the ball in the shooting hand


  • left and right
  • Fill waiting time at forward position with fake passes
  • Vice versa: After scoring, pass to the elbow and shoot from the corner

1. The players dribble to the pole and pass it with a cross over.

2. Then the player dribbles towards the bucket. 

3. The player finishes with a Euro step, passing the pilons. 

4. Possibly a defender can run in from the baseline, the attacker has to pass the defender.
