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Basketball drills

  • Two rows at the three-point line, extended freethrow line. 
  • 1 row with ball(s). Player row 1 makes quick cut through the bucket.
  • Pass row 2 to player row 1. 
  • Jump stop just past the ring. 
  • About 1m of basket. Fakeshot. 
  • Pivoting and reverse lay-up. 
  • Turn pivot foot around defender. (Keep the defender in the back). 1 shot attempt. 
  • On 2 baskets at the same time depending on the number of players.
  • 1 row of players stands in the corner at the 3-point line without ball. (A)
  • 1 row of players stands 1 meter outside the bucket and 1 meter below the free throwing line with ball. (B)
  • A runs to edge of the bucket on baseline and blocks (fictional). (2 pilons)
  • Cuts to head of the bucket, turns in with right foot, gets pass from B. B follows the pass.

  • Defense. A takes shot/ lay-up...
  • B moves to row A. Player A catches his own ball and connects in row B.
  • Left and right, basic drill for pick & roll offense.
  • Can be played with 2 baskets.
  • Team with 3 balls in a row on the freethrow line.
    • First one shoots, 
    • second one shoots, 
    • If the previous player misses, the next player can shoot him out of the game.
  • If you miss your shot, quickly finish under the basket. 
  • If the player behind it scores, the next player is out. 
  • Until one remains.
  • With 3 balls, faster, more effective than with 2.
  • 2 baskets, minimum 5 players per basket needed.
  • 1 player left sideline (A) extended free throw line. 1 right (B) same but with ball.
  • 1/2 (C) players under the basket. 1 player C sets up on free throw line. Helpside defense stands.
  • This player defends striker coming in from left (A) to get ball from passer (B) right.
  • Stealing ball, 1 v 1. Attacker scores, back to A. If they do not score, back to B.
  • B joins C after passing.

  • Two men around the bucket for defense
  • Three attackers:
  • Attacker 1 passes the ball to attacker 2 
  • All three attackers pass the ball around until one sees a gap and can get into the bucket
  • He adjusts the ball and tries to score
  • Up to 5 points, then switch roles and the attacker who has scored least stays in the attack.
drawing Two man defence
  • The players divide themselves over 2 or 3 lines (depending on the number of players), 1 rebounder is under the ring, 
  • 1 ball per line.
  • The first player takes the shot -> rebounder takes the ball (without colliding on the ground) and passes to the person standing in the line of the shooter. 
  • The person who has taken the shot prepares for the rebound of the next shooter.
drawing Shooting 2
  • Place the ball at a pilon on 1/3 of the square
  • At the start signal you run to the pilon, grab the ball and dribble on.
    • You have to dribble or stand still within 2 steps.
  • Dribble to the next basket, score and catch the ball
drawing Start to dribble
  • A row with ball at the head of the bucket.
  • A row behind the free throw line on the right.
  • Player on the head passes the ball to the forward on the side.
  • The forward makes a strong drive to the triangle (defender), passes the ball out to the forward on weakside.
  • The forward makes a strong drive to the basket.
  • The player in front and the other forward who has passed go for the rebound.
drawing Drive to the basket extended
  • A line with the ball at the head of the bucket.
  • A row behind the free throw line on the right.
  • A row of the same but on the left.
drawing Duke's Offence
  • Centers + Guards + Forwards
  • Starting from U14
  • 6 or more players 
  • 1 ball
  • two baskets


  • Mastering the basics of a break 


  • break training in a competitive situation 


  • 2 teams with different shirt colors
  • the players all run around the circle
  • as soon as the coach shoots they're gonna rebound
  • the team that captures the ball runs a break on the other side (no shot within 5 seconds = push up + take out other team on the back line)
  • after score or defensive rebound the other team runs a break back

Teaching Points:

  • outlet position and pass
  • flyer on the other side at full speed away
  • execute at top speed
  • After score, take in position immediately with overhead pass


  • two teams arranged alternately in 2 rows
  • the players tip the ball to each other via the board (jumping and tipping like a tip in)
  • and connect to the back of the other row
  • at the signal of the coach, the team that is currently picking up the ball runs a break
  • on the other basket
  • the other team defends
  • (with an odd number, the largest team always attacks and there is automatically an excess situation)
  • Two rows at the centerline
  • The first two have a ball - Right
  • From the center line you dribble to the basket:
    • Layup (15x hit in a row, a player under the basket catches the ball and counts, play again if the player didn't count)
    • Shots from bucket (7 in a row)
  • The player under the basket starts when the dribbler starts.
  • Coach goes further and further back.
  • Player A takes a shot at goal and player B catches.
  • Player B takes a shot at goal and player A catches.
  • For 1 minute and goals scored is the number of total points.
drawing Target practice