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Basketball drills

  • Players divide into 2 groups at the sideline.
  • Group in runs 1 length back and forth from sideline to sideline.
  • When everyone in the group is back the other group runs.
  • Then 2 times then 3 times then 4 times. 
  • Then reduce back to 1 time.
  • You make 2 teams divided over 2 baskets.
  • The first to reach the proposed number of scores wins.
  • The losing team does a half-killer.
drawing 2-basket shooting race
  • 4 Players on the baseline.
  • Player B has ball and dribbles to the cone.
  • B passes to player C.
  • B and C go to goal.
  • Player A and D sprint around the cone and start defending.
drawing RUN AND PLAY 2-2
  • Players at the baseline have the ball.
  • He passes the ball to the blue player and walks towards the other baseline.
  • He gets the ball back and passes it to the red player.
  • He gets the ball back and passes the ball to the orange player.
  • He gets the ball back and dribbles to the basket and finishes with lay up.
  • When the blue player has passed the ball he runs to the spot of the red player.
  • The red player to the orange player and the orange player takes the rebound and starts the exercise on the other side.
  • Variations in finishing and eventually close out and live defence possible.
drawing warm up with passing and lay up
  • The players line up in two groups on the sideline near the halfway line.
  • The first 2 players of the red group line up on one side of the field and have the ball.
  • One player of the blue team lines up on the other side.
  • As soon as the attacking team crosses the centre line, the 2nd player of the blue team runs around the cone in the centre circle and starts defending.
  • Attacking players try to score before the 2nd player gets there.
drawing 2 to 1 +1
  • Player on top attacks the basket.
  • Passes along the baseline.
  • Ball to corner makes quick extra pass to wing who takes the 3 point shot.
  • The player at the corner runs to the basket immediately after the pass.
  • Where that gets the ball from the player on the wing on the opposite side works off under the hoop.
  • White triangle takes rebound from the 3 point shot.
  • Blue player takes own rebound. (Passing clockwise.)
drawing baseline pass after drive extra pass rebound
  • 21 cone shot exercise, With each score the player walks behind a cone and places it on the side, The exercise is done when all the cones are distributed,
drawing 21 cones shooting
  • Players stand in two lines at the height of the free throw line.
  • Everyone has a ball except the first person of one of the lines.
  • The player without the ball enters the free throw line and receives the pass -> pivot -> crossover/open-step -> lay-up/shot
  • The player takes his own rebound and joins the other row.
drawing cross dribble - lay-up & shot (on free throw line)

Assume the correct position after intake, rebound or score

drawing 5 out (part 1)
  • Player sprints from the corner baseline to the first post.
  • At the first post a drop step and slides towards the second post.
  • From the second post, backward defensive footwork to the third post.
  • At the third pole a dropstep followed by slides to the fourth pole.
  • You do this until you are back at the starting point.
drawing Defensive footwork
  • One row on the baseline/corner and one row in the center circle with ball.
  • Pass to the corner and then run to the same corner and get the ball back at the post.
  • Then there are a number of possibilities such as open-step or crossover and 1 vs 0 to the basket.
  • Adjuster takes care of the rebound.
drawing 1 VS 0 with pass
  • Two players with one ball.
  • Both players have the ball in their hands and start pulling hard to get the ball loose from the other.
  • Best of 3 loser 5 push-ups.