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Basketball drills for technique strength strength / power

  • Team of two with ball, sitting opposite each other on the mat
  • Person A holds ball above head with both hands and moves to supine position while tapping the ground with ball backwards with outstretched arms
  • Person A moves to sitting position and hands the ball to person B
  • Person B goes to the supine position and taps the ground with the ball backwards
  • and so on

May also be with bended knees


  • In prone position throw ball to partner
  • Partner rolls the ball back over the ground



  • The player sits with his back against the wall and his legs in a 90 degree angle.
  • Keep this up for as long as possible.
  • Jump as far as you can from a standing position with your feet next to each other.
  • Measure the distance from the line of touch to the heel.


Starting position

  • Lie on your back.
  • Bend your knees to 90 degrees and place both feet flat on the floor.
  • Your arms are along your body with the palms facing down.


  • Tighten your buttocks and stomach.
  • Lift your buttocks off the ground to form a straight line with your knees, hips and shoulders.


  • To make this exercise more difficult: alternately extend your right and left leg, keeping your hips in position.bridge
  • Basket 1: 4-6 players
  • Passer.
    • Post up in the bucket with defender.
  • Offense stays offense until offense gets 5 baskets.
  • One try per post-up.
    • If miss, pass ball to the passer. Till 5.
  • Than other team.
    • Then switch defender/offender.
  • Each player twice in offense and twice in defense.
  • Basket 1: Centers/power forwards.
  • Passer (Guard). Post up in the bucket with defender.
  • Offense stays offense until offense gets 5 baskets.
  • One try per post-up. If miss, pass ball to the passer. Till 5.
  • Then other team. Then switch defender/offender.
  • Each player twice in offense and twice in defense.
  • 30 sec jumping jacks
  • 30 sec sit ups
  • 30se squats
  • 30 sec push up and turn arm up
  • 30 sec high knee running in place
  • 30 sec lunges
  • 30 sec plank
  • The worker moves about 4 metres in front of the declarer in a defensive position, i.e. slightly through the knees.
  • The worker catches and throws the ball with one hand, then 'slides' in the opposite direction.
  • The thrower catches and throws the ball with the other hand and moves back.
  • The exercise is always performed in a defensive position and therefore puts a lot of strain on the upper leg muscles.
  • Pay attention to good catching and throwing while 'hurting'.
  • The worker walks at about 5 meters distance to the left and right of the declarer,
  • The handler throws with two hands when the worker is at the turning point.
  • Make sure the ball is thrown in front of the worker and that the body is turned in before the ball is caught.
  • The turning point can be marked, with experienced players this is not necessary.
  • Experienced players should keep running until the ball is thrown, the declarer has the task of estimating distances.
  • As exercise throw and catch, but pass the ball a little higher, not so high that you have to jump, so just above the head.
  • Pay special attention to the catching and the position of the thumbs, a little closer together than in exercise 1.