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Basketball drills for technique system


  • 1 dribbles towards the wing
  • 3 cuts across the perimeter taking both screens from 4 and 5, at the same time 2 cuts towards the middle of the bucket.
  • Immediately after putting the screens on the elbow, 4 and 5 place an ellevator screen in front.
  • 2 runs through the screen towards the perimeter for the catch and shoot 3 pointer


  • 1 passes to 3 on the wing.
  • 1 then executes a UCLA cut on 5's screen.
  • 3 looks for the pass to 1 if not going 1 runs inside and flares out to weak side.
  • 4 and 5 then place a staggered screen in front of 2 who looks inside curl ten before receiving the pass for the open lay up.
  • 4 steps out from behind the screen to create space.
  • 5 then sets a screen for 3 for the pick and roll. Then 3 goes hard to the hoop and looks to score or create opportunities for a teammate.
  • Goal:
    • Get shooter free shot wing.
  • 3 rows. Guard 1 with ball.
  • 2 and 3 wing.
  • Wing 2 sets low screen perimeter bucket. (Later double with center)
  • Wing 3 cuts through bucket past screen.
  • Set screen so Wing 3 can cut to wing, free shot.
  • If defender cheats, touch Wing 2.
  • Wing 2 goes up, 3 go's back to orig. position.
  • Always roll after screen.
    • 1 go's to 2,
    • 2 go's to 3.
    • 3 go's to 2
  • Goal:
    • Post up the pivot.
    • Feed the pivot. 2 on 2.
  • Use all means, backscreen, pick-and-roll. Boxing-out.
  • (Needed for 3out-2 in system)
  • 1 ball per side. (2 shots allowed when rebounded)
  • Score, offense stays offense.
  • Post weakside high,
  • post ballside low.
  • Rest in regular 3 out/2in position.
  • Goal:
    • Free shot from Wing3,
    • Wing 2 or pass to pivot rolling-off.
    • Mind cheating defenders.

  • X1 passes to X2 (look for the give and go)
  • X1 puts a down screen on X4
  • X4 comes across the screen curls inside and go to the 1 spot. (X4 looks for the shot)
  • X1 puts screen on X3 at the same time X5 puts screen on X2.
  • X2 takes the screen
  • X5 pick and roll outside as shot option
  • X3 takes the screen and runs inside parallel to X2 (pass option)
  • If the drive is not possible pass swing to X4
  • X2 puts screen on X4
  • at the same time X5 puts screen on X3

We then pass to 1

  • Position 2 or 3 out.
  • Feed the post.
  • Player move after the pass left or right.
  • Get ball back from post, shoot. (Max one dribble)
  • free play on 1 or 2 baskets, depending on the number of players.
  • PURPOSE: Quick passing, cutting, helpside, ballside, boxing-out.
  • First team at 5.
  • Loser push-ups 6.
  • free play on 1 or 2 baskets,
  • depending on the number of players.
  • NO dribbles only passing.
  • We're gonna dribble!
  • Dribble the ball from left to right.
  • With feints in between. High. Low. Fast and slow.
  • Look closely at the options you have.

Creative “numbers†drill

  • Attacker O1 starts the drill by initiating dribble penetration;
  • Then all the other players in line move;
  • Attackers try to score, defenders try to stop ball;
  • If successful, 4-on-0 break on other basket;
  • Scoring system and possibly time-limit to your own interpretation;
  • Players may run free at their own discretion;

Teaching point: An open driving lane is a more or less perpendicular path to the basket or to a help defender in the bucket.

Help defense is out of position = 1-to-1

This rule does apply after five passes. So again: We play 1-on-1 only after five passes!


  • Basket insight into positional play, knowledge of feint movements


  • learn to move in attack and fill the free spot


  • 5 spots
  • 1 player / spot (U10 4 players, U12 5 players)
    • Position 1 passes to position 2, 
    • Feint and cut through towards the basket. 
    • Meanwhile position 3 takes the place of position 1 and position 5 takes the place of position 3. 
    • Cutting player takes place of position 5 (= spot released). 
    • Perform automatically 5 passes and then score via lay-up or jump-shot.

Teaching Points

  • Good chest/bounce pass, 
  • Quick cut with feint (angular), 
  • Open spot fill up, 
  • Get ball = in shooting position watch basket first before passing.

drawing Fill the spot