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Basketball drills for technique system

Set up 3x3. Ball in the middle, no dribbles. 

  • Player with ball must pivot and protect ball. 
  • Players without ball must run free, 
  • Defenders splitvision to intercept the ball
  • Pay attention to a good fit
  • Set up players: 
    • 1 with ball on the head (pos 1/white), 
    • 1 in position 2 or 3 (blue), 
    • The rest on 4 or 5 (same side as the forward, red). 
    • A defender or pilon somewhere around the free throw line or closer to 1 (is the defender of 1)
  • White passes to blue and immediately makes a cutting movement. 
    • Feint to the left and cut across the defender
  • Blue passes the ball to white in its movement and takes position 1. 
    • First of red fills in the position of blue.
  • White scores with the ball and the ball goes back to the new player in position 1. 
    • White follows red and becomes the last player in the red row.
  • The exercise starts again.
drawing Passing and cutting to/scoring in the basket. Motion offense
  • At the whistle each player chooses a position around the three-point line
  • Who will stand where is not (yet) told. (chaos)
  • The trainer passes to one of the players and that player must try to score while the trainer defends.
  • At the whistle, each player runs to an agreed position (designated or mutually determined who will stand where).
  • The trainer passes the ball to a player who is trying to score while defending.
  • The other players are not allowed to come within the three-point line.        
    • At the whistle each player runs to their chosen position (agreed place).
    • The trainer passes to one of the players and that player must try to score while the trainer defends.
    • Now one of the other players may enter the circle and help with the attack. As soon as the ball has been passed, the person without the ball leaves the circle, after which another player may ask for the ball. There are never more than two attacking players within the three-point line.       

Repeat each exercise 3 times

drawing Find your spot (1)
  • Two men around the bucket for defense
  • Three attackers:
  • Attacker 1 passes the ball to attacker 2 
  • All three attackers pass the ball around until one sees a gap and can get into the bucket
  • He adjusts the ball and tries to score
  • Up to 5 points, then switch roles and the attacker who has scored least stays in the attack.
drawing Two man defence

Parcour passing, moving, finishing

drawing Drill with bal.
  • Goal: 
    • Get shooter free shot wing.
  • 3 rows. Guard 1 with ball.
  • 2 and 3 wing. 
  • Wing 2 sets low screen perimeter bucket. (Later double with center)
  • Wing 3 cuts through bucket past screen. 
  • Set screen so Wing 3 can cut to wing, free shot.
  • If defender cheats, touch Wing 2. 
  • Wing 2 goes up, 3 go's back to orig. position.
  • Always roll after screen.
    • 1 go's to 2, 
    • 2 go's to 3. 
    • 3 go's to 2
  • Post weakside high, 
  • post ballside low. 
  • Rest in regular 3 out/2in position.
  • Goal: 
    • Free shot from Wing3, 
    • Wing 2 or pass to pivot rolling-off.
    • Mind cheating defenders.

  • Basic movement 3 out 2 in.
  • Guard 1 with ball, pass to 2 or 3 on the wing. 
  • Cut and move to weakside.
  • Weakside (2 or 3) to position 1. 1 to position via baseline and cut behind post to position 2 or 3.
  • Run and show several options. 
  • Roll-off screen by post after pick 4 or 5 on 1.
  • Possibly run offense with one high/low post.