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Basketball drills

  • Everyone a ball
    • Outward zigzag dribble around cones
    • Midline backline sprint/dribble
    • Side/slides over the back line
    • Back various commands (Crabwalk, backwards dribble, between the legs)
    • 5x push-ups, abs on midline
    • Finish with lay-up or shot from the hoop
  • Start slowly as a warming-up
  • Then faster and faster (keep distance)
  • Coach lining up on the way back to give different assignments
drawing Warming up drill with zig/zag dribble
  • 5 spots
  • 1 player / spot
    • Position 1 passes to position 2,
    • fakes and cuts through to the basket.
    • Meanwhile, position 3 takes the spot of position 1 and position 5 takes the spot of position 3.
    • Cutting player takes up position 5 (= vacant spot).
    • Perform this automatism 5 passes and then score via lay-up or jump-shot.
drawing Fill the spot
  • 10 minutes:
    • 5'right
    • 5'left
  • 2 lines
    • right side 2 balls
    • Half of players right side
    • half of players left side to rebound
drawing Warming up lay-up
  • Player a does V-cut and gets ball from player b and stops in jump-stop.
  • He pivots (front left) with his left leg to the basket and gets into triple treath position.
  • After a fake shot, he leaves right-handed dribble, left leg big step past the cone to the basket for a lay-up.
  • Player c takes the rebound and goes to the other side for a shot at 45 degrees, after which he connects with the passers.
drawing Crossover + shot after dribble
  • Start under the basket.
  • Two players pass back and forth in the run to center line....
  • At passage center line in man with ball the attacker and goes full dribble to basket.
  • Other player is defender and must get in front of man security and defend.
drawing Speed outbreak
  • 21 cone shot exercise, With each score the player walks behind a cone and places it on the side, The exercise is done when all the cones are distributed,
drawing 21 cones shooting


  • Knowing defensive stance / attacking principle of in-out.


  • Coach gives pass on spot one (only attack after four passes/four swings)
  • Attacker at spot two and three
  • In/out move
  • First part of the exercise 1vs1; second part 2vs2
  • Passing on: offense becomes defense, defense connects and steps in as offense afterwards (stay on same side)


  • Teach correct defensive position (denial + help defense)

Teaching points:

  • Quickly change position when the ball changes sides, read defenses as attackers (backdoor)
  • In/out to the bucket, when defending short, get out to 1m outside 3pt line and use backdoor option, jump to the ball as defender
drawing Denial defence / 1vs1 and 2vs2

Three teams line up one ball on the back line.

  • Coach throws ball against the board (if he scores take it)
  • Middle player picks up rebound and chooses an outlet side
  • Outlet at speed to head of the bucket on the other side, matching player cuts behind the outlet.
  • Fill three lanes, possibly add defenders to make it harder (pick up two players from the center line, or rebound more first)
  • From the middle line 1-1.
  • Defender has a limited area (pylons) in which he can defend.
  • Attacker finishes with free lay-up (must go in or push up).
drawing 1-1 with defense box

Start under basket, 2 players pass back and forth in the run to center line...at passage center line in man with ball the attacker and goes full dribble to basket. Other player is defender and has to get in front of the man and defend.

drawing Speed outbreak


  • to know the defensive position


  • coach gives pass to spot 1 (only attack after 4 passes/4 swings)
  • attacker on spot 2 and 3
  • in/out move
  • first part of the exercise 1vs1; second part 2vs2
  • shuffle through: offense becomes defense, defense connects and joins in as offense afterwards (stay on same side)


  • To teach the correct defensive position (denial + help defense)

Teaching points:

  • Quickly change position when the ball changes sides, read defence as attacker (backdoor)
  • In/out to the bucket, when defending short, get out to 1m outside 3pt line and use backdoor option, jump to the ball.
drawing Denial defence / 1vs1 and 2vs2
  • Player sprints from the corner baseline to the first post.
  • At the first post a drop step and slides towards the second post.
  • From the second post, backward defensive footwork to the third post.
  • At the third pole a dropstep followed by slides to the fourth pole.
  • You do this until you are back at the starting point.
drawing Defensive footwork