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Basketball drills

  • One row on the baseline/corner and one row in the center circle with ball.
  • Pass to the corner and then run to the same corner and get the ball back at the post.
  • Then there are a number of possibilities such as open-step or crossover and 1 vs 0 to the basket.
  • Adjuster takes care of the rebound.
drawing 1 VS 0 with pass

Everyone a ball

  • Outward zig/zag dribble around pawns and finish with lay-up
  • Back various assignments (Crabwalk, backwards dribble, between the legs) and also finish with lay-up
  • start quietly as a warming-up, then faster and faster
  • Coach lining up at the return to give various assignments.
  • Everyone has a ball.
  • One person is the catcher and stands on the center line, the rest stands on the free throw line and tries to reach the other free throw line without being caught.
  • All normal rules apply such as run and second dribble.
  • If you are tagged, you also become tagged.

2 rows, 1 ball per team

  • Player scores, rebounds own ball, and passes to next player in line
  • Player who scored runs to the other baseline to retrieve a pawn and brings it back to the group. Can also be done with the volleyball scoreboard (keeping track of points, best of 5)
  • Group with most pawns at the end wins
  • Two players with one ball.
  • Both players have the ball in their hands and start pulling hard to get the ball loose from the other.
  • Best of 3 loser 5 push-ups.
  • Everyone a ball, line up in a large circle.
  • Trainer shows the exercise, players follow:
    • Spread out, rolling the ball in an 8-shape between the legs
    • Roll the ball around your waist, head legs (change direction)
    • Dribble with left, right, change hands.
    • Dribble with the whole group (rhythm exercise, all in rhythm!)
    • Dribble between your legs
    • Dribble behind your back
    • Shot movement upwards (extend arm, point, catch)
    • Spreading stance (move the ball in an 8-shape without touching the ground)
    • Ball above your head, passing with fingertips from left to right

  • Players stand in a circle (max 5) and in the middle 1 pylon with a small circle around it.
  • One defender who is not allowed to enter the small circle and has to defend the pylon
  • The players around must play together to hit the pylon

All on 1 line (work up to middle line, run up to end line, repeat exercise every time)

  • 2 x jogging
  • Skipping legs
  • Heels against seat
  • Straighten back leg, bend front leg (straight ahead)
  • Extend the back leg, bend the front leg (sideways)
  • Crossing legs
  • Swinging arms
  • Sprint + step slide back

2 teams, 1 ball.

  • Depending on the size of the teams a half field or quarter field.
  • Dribbling allowed, players must pass to avoid being tapped with ball.
  • Tapping the player with the ball is a point, out of bounds/ or run point for the other side, 30 seconds without being tapped is a point.

Divide group into pairs.
Passing to the other side:

  • At the halfway line: player on the inside dribbles to the head of the bucket and passes to the player on the outside who scores with a layup/ shot (variation)
  • Player who has passed runs to the other sideline and receives outlet, passes back to the center line and again shot/layup
  • Important that they do not run during the pass and that the players change (inside and outside)

Wave for U12:

  • Three teams, 1 ball: pass and cross behind the player.
  • Do this slowly at first, U12 kids find this a difficult exercise. Focus on passing and running. Start together (half field lengthwise) and build up when it goes well.
  • Depending on the size of the group, divide the field.

Variant for when it goes well:

  • Finish with score and play 2x1 (the one who scores will defend),
  • Pay attention to outlet pass (ask for the ball on the sideline).

For U12 first explain well which lines are used.
Standard killer with line touching, executing with ball and different commands.

  • Slowly build up speed as a warming up,
  • Possibly let a player determine what the assignments are.
  • Do take a rest now and then.


  • Left to go, right back
  • Left/right (cross)
  • Backwards (2 times left, 2 times right)
  • Put the ball down (under ball back, pick up ball back and next line)
  • With press-ups (2x on the line), jumping, abs ect.