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Basketball drills

  • 3 teams of 3 players
  • 3 players in the middle
  • Attacking
  • Defense up to the center line, even after ball loss
drawing 3 by 3 by 3
  • 2 players on offense.
  • 2 players on defense.
  • 2 players at the free throw line.
  • 2 players at the level of the other free throw line.
  1. Play 2 against 2 until there is a score or stop.
  2. Defense gives outlet pass to player at height free throw line.
  3. These go 2-for-2 to other side of the court.
  4. Offense becomes defense and returns.
  5. Defense goes to height free throw line.
Variation: can also go 3-on-3.

Note: ball entered behind baseline, with defense.
drawing 2 on 2, get back
  • Half players baseline.
  • Half players half court.
  1. Player baseline throws against board and takes rebound.
  2. Chin the ball.
  3. Turn and dribble toward middle line.
  4. Outlet pass to player middle line.
  5. Player middle line goes for a layup.
  6. Dribbling return to baseline.
  7. Now with defender other side of field.
drawing Outlet drill
  • 5 x 2 free throws.
  • 2 groups side by side.
  • Each takes turns shooting.
  • Count how many in.
  • 2 misses = length of run.
  • 1 miss = half length run.
  • 2 groups
  • At the level of the free throw line

  • First a v-cut, then get ball
  • Pivoting and shooting
  • Own rebound
  • Connecting on the other side
  • With pivot on right foot
  • Passing with right or left hand, depending on side
  • 20 scores

  • Pivot and dribble to goal, lay-up
  • Straight to goal driven
  • Pivot and dribble to goal, jump stop
drawing V-cut shooting
  • Everyone stands in a circle and start with 1 ball.
  • The first player calls out the name of the person he/she wants to pass to and only when he/she looks does the player give a pass of their choice; collision, chest, overhead.
  • If this goes well, you can differentiate to multiple balls.
Per 2 players facing each other.

Play ball across:
  • Chest pass.
  • Right pass -step around push pass-.
  • Left pass.
  • Overhead pass.
Put a defender between the 2.
On wrong pass, passer becomes the defender.
drawing Partner fitting
  • 2 sides of the field.
  • Put down 3 pylons; 3-point, 2-point, 1-point.
  • 2 rows, can also do 2 per side if there are too many players.
  • 1 player shoots 3x in a row, 1x from each position, and we count out loud.
  • Whoever gets to 31 first.
  • Everyone on baseline.
  • 3 defenders.
    • 1 at level of free throw line.
    • 1 at mid-line.
    • 1 at the free throw line.
  • Defense stays on their line, may deviate a bit.
  1. Players dribble across.
  2. Whoever loses ball becomes defender.
  3. Group of defenders gets bigger and bigger.
drawing Bird on a wire
  • 3 groups: Top, down left, down right.
  • Top passes to right, player already running to next spot.
  • Important to pass in front of player
  • 30 successful passes.
drawing Passing triangle
  • 1 defender under each goal.
  • 2 groups at the center line.
  • 1 against 1 on each side of the field.
  • Defense stays put when scoring.
  • To score first 10 times.
  • Right and left.
drawing 1 vs. 1, full court
This exercise sounds simple but it certainly is not:
  • The idea is for the player with the ball to get past a 100% giving defender in 3 dribbles.
  • The scoring player stays put, misses then goes out and the defender may attack against a new person.
  • The goal is for the player to give everything during this exercise.
  • Here the attacker is forced to be explosive and use his whole body.
drawing Three step king of court