Basketball drills
- You make 2 teams divided over 2 baskets.
- The first to reach the proposed number of scores wins.
- The losing team does a half-killer.
- 4 Players on the baseline.
- Player B has ball and dribbles to the cone.
- B passes to player C.
- B and C go to goal.
- Player A and D sprint around the cone and start defending.
- Drawing fouls, protecting the ball and watching.
- Going hard to the basket and on your opponent.
- Reading the defender
- Important - warm up means - build intensity - be in motion.
- Coach in the middle
- Groups start with the ball under goal
- First no ball
- Move to the other side
- Coach goes a little further each time until three point line
- LU left and right every time
- At some point shot
- Dynamic stretching by cap
- Shooting
- sideline 2 rows
- 4 balls
- on 2 sides
- 1 against 1 first dribble upwards with defense
- 1 against 1 to the ring
- 3 against 2
- 2 defense in bucket with 1 ball
- 3 men on baseline
- Pass from defense to side man
- Attack
- React
2 rows on the baseline, 2 balls (first see if it runs with 2 balls)
- Front player no ball.
- Comes up to elbow on the other side bucket.
- Gets ball.
- Takes shot (own rebound, ball to row on side where he takes shot.
- Player who passes runs around the player to other side bucket.
- Gets ball.
- Stand on one leg, raise the other as high as possible.
- Ball with 2 hands above head.
- Found balance trying to close eyes.
- Then the other leg.
- Stand on one leg, stretching the other as far back as possible.
- Ball in front of you to 15cm above ground, then up again.
- Drop 45gr to your left to 15cm above ground, then right.
- Found your balance and close your eyes.
- Then the other leg.
- Stretched lunge position with arms spread
- Close your eyes and slowly move the ball from left to right.
- Then other supporting leg in front.
- 2 rows and 1 outlet standing slightly lower (on side of row with ball)
- Player without ball makes in/out v-cut and comes up to free throw line (asking for the ball)
- Player in 2nd row passes and goes to rebound passes to outlet on the other side and connects
- Player who shot the ball becomes outlet at the other end
When the ball bounces far from the hoop (2 options, no matter which player joins the row with the ball)
2 x 3 set-up
- 2 pairs (defender/attacker).
- 1 player at head of bucket with ball.
- Pass and set up screen on player without ball.
- Player cuts above.
- Player also rolls off.
4 pylons, at each pylon 1 player (1 or 2 players rebound)
- Pass the ball down
- Cut to the other side
Fill positions and ball goes through passes to the other side low, where the player takes a shot
Row on the halfway line without the ball
Line up on baseline (corner of sideline) with ball
- Player cuts in at pace.
- Gets ball (bounce pass, not dribble. If you get pass too early you make a dribble).
Groups divided over baskets, 2 pylons on head bucket
try to get equal numbers so we can have a game
try to get equal numbers so we can have a game
- Start low.
- Run to pylon.
- Slides over free throw line.
- Back to base.
- Back again (tap line).
Set up on one side so players can run directly into each other (loser press).
- Players at the baseline have the ball.
- He passes the ball to the blue player and walks towards the other baseline.
- He gets the ball back and passes it to the red player.
- He gets the ball back and passes the ball to the orange player.
- He gets the ball back and dribbles to the basket and finishes with lay up.
- When the blue player has passed the ball he runs to the spot of the red player.
- The red player to the orange player and the orange player takes the rebound and starts the exercise on the other side.
- Variations in finishing and eventually close out and live defence possible.