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Basketball drills

  • Everyone has a ball stands on the sideline.
  • Exercises are alternated with
    • crossover,
    • between the legs
    • etc.
  • free play on 1 or 2 baskets,
  • depending on the number of players.
  • NO dribbles only passing.
  • The teacher divides the room into two squares by placing benches on the centerline of the room.
  • Then the teacher makes 2 squares with pawns to catch up the right of attack.
  • During this game the rulebook is used.
  • See module basketball for this guide.
  • The teacher divides the students into teams of 3, possibly with a substitute.
  • See the tables at the bottom of the lesson preparation for the game schedules.
  • The intention is that the team that has the ball (on the map team 2 & 3) try to score.
  • To be able to score, the team must first get the right of attack.
  • They get this right of attack when they arrive with the ball in the area of the pawns.
  • From now on the team may score.
  • They do this by shooting the ball into the basket.
  • The other team must try to take the ball away from them.
  • When this happens, the teams swap roles and the new team with the ball has to get the right of attack and try to score.


  • The teacher sets out three areas of approximately equal size with pawns.
  • It is best to use the volleyball lines (see map).
  • There are three sections (see map):
  • Left: barons square (losers square)
  • Middle: princes section (neutral section)
  • Right: king of the court (winner section)
  • All students stand in the middle section.
  • With a signal from the teacher the game starts.
  • All pupils have to try to tap/strike the ball of another pupil out of the box.
  • If you succeed you move one square to the right.
  • If your ball is knocked away you move up one square to the left.
  • If you hit/tap someone's ball out of the box on the right you score a point.
  • If your ball is knocked out of the winner's box you lose all your points.
  • If your ball is knocked out of the left box nothing happens and you stay standing.
  • When the teacher gives the final signal the person with the most points is king of the court and he/she has won.


  • The teacher chooses 2 tickers.
  • They have to stay inside their box (inside the 4 pawns) and knock the basketballs away from the runners when they want to cross.
  • The runners have to dribble to the other side without losing their basketball.
  • If a runner doesn't have his basketball with him, he's out and he automatically becomes a ticker.
  • A tip that you can give to the runners is that they should shield the ball with their body.
  • This means staying between the ball and the opponent.
  • The pupils may only cross again when everyone has been tagged or has reached the other side.
  • In the end, as the game progresses, you get more and more tickers and less and less runners.
  • The last remaining runner is the winner.



players must master the layup at full speed

on a stray ball and be able to finish the next 1 against 1


  • the trainer stands in the middle of the bucket and has the ball
  • Two players on the elbow are only allowed to look straight ahead.
  • trainer passes between the players
  • they may only move when they see the ball
  • the player who captures the ball scores on the opposite basket
  • the other player tries to prevent this
  • the coach makes his passes so hard that the players have to sprint to keep the ball in.
  • n.b. the defender must not make any mistakes due to the risk of injuries

Teaching points:

  • speed of action
  • do not let the defender distract you


  • have players start sitting or lying down
  • Put two players next to each other on the elbow, or with their backs against each other. Then play 2 against 2
  • machine gun at players' elbows
  • The players stand around the bucket or on the free throw line and try to score in the basket.
  • Vary their position and distance.
  • Players dribble from the center line to the free throw line and try to score from there within 5 seconds.
  • Two players throw the ball to each other, the ball may bounce.
  • To make it more difficult the bouncing can be omitted.
  • Also vary the distance.
  • The players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other.
  • They are not allowed to touch the ground.
  • Try this with a player in the middle who is trying to intercept.
  • If the ball is intercepted, the player who threw the ball stands in the middle.
  • The players bounce the ball on the spot.
  • Make sure the hand is always on the ball so the ball is pushed down (so not hit down).
  • The players sink through their knees so they are low to the ground and the ball bounces faster.
  • Then the players stretch their knees again. Repeat several times.
  • The players dribble through each other, changing direction all the time so that they are criss-crossing each other.
  • The players must try not to touch each other.
  • The players try to guide the ball along a route whilst dribbling.
  • For example slalom around cones or over benches (at your own discretion).
  • Divide the players into two groups.
  • The group without the ball tries to tap the player in the other group with the ball.
  • As soon as they have touched the player with the ball, the ball is theirs.
  • The player with the ball therefore tries to pass the ball on to a teammate as quickly as possible.
  • Touching someone with a ball gives a point. The team that scores ten points first wins.
  • They are simple but fun basketball games for children with a number of advantages:
    • The children get more ball feeling
    • The children learn how to aim the basketball
    • The children learn to dribble well
    • The children develop team spirit and learn to work together
    • The children move in the indoor gym or on the outdoor sports field

Ideal for training, lessons and fun activities.

  • The children stand in a large circle.
  • There are several basketballs in the game.
  • The children with the ball bounce the ball as fast as possible to a classmate or group member, while calling his or her name.
  • This is recommended for children's camps (great outdoors!) or sports days, where children can learn each other's names and learn to catch the ball.
  • Players who do not bounce the ball well, do not catch the ball or call out the wrong name, step out of the circle and do not participate for a while.
  • As fewer and fewer players remain, the remaining players bounce more and more balls.
  • Continue, until only one or two players remain.
  • They have won.
  • Place a row of cones and give each child its own basketball.
  • The children are challenged to dribble around the cones.
  • They are not allowed to hit the cones and they are not allowed to lose their ball.
  • The children follow each other quietly. The pace is gradually increased.
  • When the children get more ball control, put another row of cones parallel to the first row.
  • Let the children play a game: the first one who manages to dribble around the cones without a fault has won.
  • Let the winners play against each other, until only one winner remains.
  • A good basketball exercise for more ball control.