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Basketball drills

Option 1
  • Blue runs to the middle and receives the pass from orange
  • Orange then fills in blue
  • White and Red come up at the same time that orange passes to blue
  • White receives the pass from blue at the free throw line and faces the basket
  • Red accelerates somewhere near the free throw line and heads for the basket
  • White passes to red and red makes a layup
Option 2
  • After orange passes to blue, orange also cuts across the right side and there is a second playoff opportunity for white.
Option 3
  • Orange and blue continue to cut in and white takes a shot
  • Orange and blue fight for the rebound and a score
* After building this exercise up to Option 3, players must be sharp, there can always be a pass or fight for the rebound.
* There is no dribbling
* Rotation is counterclockwise

drawing 4 Corners drill without a dribble
  • 3 rows behind the baseline.
  • Center player blue passes to the left or right.
  • He runs behind his pass, around the one who received the pass.
  • The player who received the pass- red- passes it to the opposite side -white-.
  • Also runs after the pass to receive the ball again from blue.
  • On the other side of the field a layup is made and they make the weave back to the other side of the field.
  • Then the next 3 players can start.
* Don't make the field too wide.
* Vary shot.
* Players must ask for the ball.
* Tight chest passes.
* 30 touches in 5 minutes. If not achieving 15 push ups or walk the difference.

drawing Weaven
  • Basic setup:
    • 1 defender under each goal
    • 2 groups at the center line
  • Conduct:
    • 1 against 1 on each side of the field
    • Defense stays standing when scoring
    • To score first 10 times
  • Progression:
    • Maximum of 5 dribbles from as soon as you cross the center line
  • Regression:
    • Defense with hands behind back
drawing 1 vs. 1, full court
  • Starting lineup:
    • 3 groups at the baseline
    • The middle group has the ball
  • Progression:
    • The middle man chooses who to pass to, left or right
    • The player who gets the ball dribbles to the center line
    • The player who does not get the ball runs to the center line
    • The outside players play 2-on-1
  • Progression:
    • AFTER
  • Regression:
    • NA
drawing 2 on 1 Rumble
  • Basic setup:
    • In groups of 4
    • Line up in diamond shape
    • 2 balls
    • The "victim" always has a ball
  • Progression:
    • 1 player is designated as the "victim"
    • Players with ball always pass to the "victim"
    • The "victim" passes back to any player
    • After 30 seconds we choose a new "victim"
  • Progression:
    • Faster passing
  • Regression:
    • Slower passing
    • With 1 ball
drawing Passing diamond
  • WU exercise with row layup
drawing pass-pass-layup
  • Starting lineup:
    • Each player 1 ball
    • 1 side of the court
    • Coach is clearly lined up to preview the drills
  • Progression:
    • Each exercise lasts 30 seconds and is performed with both right and left hands
    • Passing the ball around the body without dribbling
    • Legs spread, we hold the ball between the legs, one hand in front and one in back we unload the ball and change hands quickly
    • We make an eight movement around and through the legs without dribbling
    • We throw the ball up and catch it behind the back, first low and then higher and higher
    • Dribbling around 1 leg; 10 X and then around other leg, changing direction
    • At knee height next to body dribble left and right
    • Very low in front of body dribble left and right
    • Crossover in front of the body with 2 dribbles
    • Crossover in front of the body with 1 dribble - keep ball low
    • Stand still and dribble through the legs, front to back, with 1 dribble
    • Remaining still and dribbling through the legs, front to back
    • In an 8-formation dribble through the legs in both directions left and right
    • A v-dribble with 1 hand in front of the body left and right
    • In and out dribble in front of the body left and right
    • Beside the body from front to back dribble at knee height left and right
  • Progression:
    • Who can dribble through their legs the most?
drawing Ball handling drill
  • Base setup:
    • 3 groups at the baseline
    • The middle group has the ball
  • Process:
    • The middle player chooses who to pass to, left or right
    • The player who gets the ball dribbles to the center line
    • The player who does not get the ball runs to the center line
    • The outside players play 2 against 1
drawing 2 on 1 Rumble
  • Starting lineup:
    • Half court
    • 1 player stands ready to hand the ball in
  • Progression:
    • 1 player hands the ball in
    • Play 3 against 3
    • Within 10 seconds there must be a goal attempt
    • The coach counts down loudly
  • Progression:
    • Goal attempt within 5 seconds
    • Giving at least 1 pass
  • Regression:
    • Goal attempt within 14 seconds
    • Defense with hands behind the back
drawing Buzzer beater
  • Starting lineup:
    • 3 vs. 3 on half court
    • 1 passer
  • Conduct:
    • We play 3 against 3
    • The passer does not participate in the attack, only passing
    • After 3 attacks the passer changes with someone else
  • Progression:
    • First 3 passes without dribbling
  • Regression:
    • Defense with hands behind the back
drawing 3 vs. 3 with 1 passer
  • Both offensive and defensive player fac the basket.
  • The attacker puts the ball on the defender's back.
  • When he takes it off, he goes to the basket very quickly.
  • Ends at turnover or score.
drawing Ball of the Back
  • Starting lineup
    • 2 teams of 4
    • 1 team stands on the end line with ball
    • 1 team stands at the center line
  • Course:
    • Team 1 must cross the center line without dribbling
    • Team 2 must cross the end line without dribbling
  • Playing rules:
    • The ball must not be held above the head
    • You must make a pass within 5 seconds
    • Screens are not allowed
    • You get 1 point for crossing the end or center line
    • The coach is the referee
  • Progression:
    • You must pass within 3 seconds
    • Expanding the field to a full field
  • Regression:
    • Allow pass overhead
    • No limit how fast you must pass
    • Allow 1 dribble
    • Making the field smaller
drawing 4-on-4 passing drill