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Basketball drills

  • Setup:
    • 1 defender under each goal
    • 2 groups at the center line
  • 1 against 1 on each side of the field
  • Defense stays standing when scoring
  • To score first 10 times
  • Variations:
    • Right and left
drawing 1 vs. 1 full court
  • Setup:
    • Everyone baseline
    • 3 defenders
    • 1 defender near free throw line
    • 1 defender at center line
    • 1 defender near the free throw line
  • Defense stays on their line, may deviate a bit
  • Players dribble across
  • Whoever loses the ball becomes a defender
  • Group of defenders gets bigger and bigger
drawing Bird on a wire
  • Setup:
    • Per 2 you form a team
    • 5 positions around the bucket
    • Each duo starts on a different position
  • After 5 scores move to the next position
  • Shift clockwise
  • Own rebound
  • Team that scores 5 first on all positions wins
drawing Paired shooting
  • Setup:
    • 2 groups
    • At the level of the free throw line
  • First a v-cut, then get ball
  • Pivoting and shooting
  • Own rebound
  • Connecting on the other side
  • Be careful to pivot on the right foot
  • Passing with right or left hand, depending on side
  • 20 scores
  • Variations:
    • Pivot and dribble to goal, lay-up
    • Drive straight at goal
    • Pivot and dribble to goal, jump stop
drawing V-cut shooting
  • Setup:
    • 2 players in offense
    • 2 players on defense
    • 2 players at the free throw line
    • 2 players at the other free throw line
    • Teams of 2 stay together
  • Play 2 on 2 until there is a score or stop
  • Defense gives outlet pass to player at free throw line level
  • On score, insert ball behind baseline
  • These go 2-on-2 to other side of the court
  • Offense becomes defense and returns!
  • Team that defended connects at the level of the free throw line
  • Variations:
    • 3 against 3
drawing 2 on 2 get back
  • Setup:
    • Half players baseline
    • Half players half court
    • 1 player starts at the bucket
  • Starting player throws the ball against the board and takes rebound
  • Chin the ball
  • Turn and dribble towards center line
  • Outlet pass to player centerline
  • Midline player goes for a layup
  • Dribbling return to baseline
  • Variations:
    • With defender other side of field
drawing Outlet drill
  • Setup:
    • 4 players on the baseline
    • 4 players at the free throw line
  • Coach passes to 1 of the players
  • Player opposite the one receiving the pass runs to the baseline before joining the defense
  • Other players immediately go on offense and defense
  • Stopping the dribble is important
  • Defending the basket is important
drawing 4 against 4 with disadvantage
  • Setup:
    • 3 teams of 3 players
    • 3 players in the middle with ball
  • Attacking to one side
  • Defense to the center line, even after ball loss
  • No ball back
  • To score 7 times first
drawing 3 by 3 by 3
  • Setup:
    • 5-on-5

  • Defensive positions.
  • 1 pass away.
  • 2 passes away.
  • Hands up.
  • Pistols.
  • Denial.
drawing Shell drill
  • Setup:
    • Per 2 players 1 ball
    • 1 player baseline
    • 1 player at free throw line with ball

  • Player baseline runs to other player and receives pass.
  • Land, crossover step, 3 dribbles, jump stop, pivot.
  • Pass to next player.
  • Across the length of the court.
  • Variations:
    • Catch, spin, reverse pivot - heel lift when pivoting-.
    • Front stop, half pivot, pivot forward.
    • Jump and turn in the air, turn and face.
drawing Post fundamentals, footwork
  • Setup:
    • 3 groups
    • Bottom left, bottom right and top
    • 1 ball per group
  • Shooting, own rebound
  • Passing clockwise
  • Variations:
    • Advancing to wings and three-point shot
drawing 3 position shooting
  • Setup:
    • Each player 1 ball
    • 1 side of the court
  • Windshield -next to body dribble, front to back.
  • V-dribble - in front of body.
  • L-dribble - in front and to the side of the body.
  • In & out - in front of body.
  • Hard pound - next to body.
  • Ball tap - low to the ground in front of the body.
  • Pocket - beside the body.