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Basketball drills

  • 2 groups at center line level.
  • 2 players look towards goal.
  • Coach throws ball towards goal.
  • 2 players fight for the ball and play 1 against 1.
drawing 1 vs. 1 on center line
  • 2-3 players catch the ball.
  • The other players line up around the 3 point line.
  • 2 balls.
  1. Players run regular layups.
  2. Coach stands under the basket and each time a player arrives, raises a specific number of fingers.
  3. The players must then get that number right.
  4. This teaches them not to look at the ball.
drawing Lay ups - looking away from ground
  • Warm-up exercise without ball - 5 minutes of +- 5 rounds.
  • 4 cones in a square in the room with one exercise performed along each side:
    • Sideways shuffling with the face turned to 1 particular side.
    • Swinging arms, per round this can be alternated forward/backward.
    • Side shuffling with the face turned to the same side as last time so that the other leg is now first.
    • Skipping, lifting knees, can be alternated per round with seat touching.
drawing Warming up - walking
  • 3 rows with each 3 players or more.
  • Ball in the middle.
  • Pass to right start and pass back to center and pass to left and back.
  • Finish with layup or jump stop.
  • Return next to the court and shuffle through to the right.
drawing Warming up
  • 2 players at bottom of goal.
  • 2 players left extended free throw line.
  • 2 players right extended free throw line.
  • 2 players at the center circle.
  • Team 1 players top and bottom.
  • Team 2 players left and right.
  • Team 1 starts dribbling toward each other does a change of direction and accelerates.
    Variations: crossover, between the leggs, behind the back, double action, back up dribble.
  • When team 1 has done the change of direction team 2 may leave.
drawing Dribble exercise
  • B passes the ball to C
    • B runs to cone receives ball
    • B scores lay up
    • B joins row C
  • C passes the ball back to line B
    • C goes to take the rebound from B
    • C goes to line A
  • A passes the ball to B
    • A connects in row B
drawing Warming up, 3 rows
2 players start on baseline.
  • They sprint to elbow and backwards again to baseline,
  • From there SLIDES to corner baseline and then a sprint to the sideline other side.
drawing Condition 2 penalty throw line and back

  • Explanation of total fastbreak (including trailers)
  • 5 men around bucket
  • Take free throw --> call who has to score (by number)
  • Other side fastbreak
  • You make 2 teams divided over 2 baskets.
  • Dribble around the post and pick a side.
  • Run a lay-up.
  • The first to reach the proposed number of scores wins.
  • The losing team must run to the back line and back. (start on the back line and run to the back line)
drawing 2-basket shooting race
  • Two or three teams. (teams)
  • Per pair or trio 1 ball.
  • 1 shooter, 1 (or 2) rebounder(s).
  • Shooter shoots (from the free throw line, or lower position), then sprints to the middle line.
  • Rebounder catches ball, passes ball to shooter. (Good jump stop, right distance, call for ball).
  • Shooter 5 scores in total, then new shooter.
  • Team of which first all shooters have scored 5 times, wins!


drawing wave
  • Two three or four-team teams. (teams)
  • Per team 2 balls.
  • 1 shooter, 2 (or 3) rebounder(s).
  • Shooter shoots (from free throw line, or lower position), then sprints to center line.
  • Rebounder catches ball, passes ball to shooter. (proper jump stop, proper distance, call for ball)
  • Shooter total 10 scores, then new shooter.
  • Team whose first to have all shooters score 5 times wins! 
  • Loser runs a suicide.