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Basketball drills

  • Player stands on the wing position with a ball, in front of her there is a defender. 
  • An attacker and a defender are at the guard position. 
  • The attacker cuts in to the 6-spot and back up, the defender defends along with her. 
  • Once back up, the defender stands and the attacker cuts inside again and gets the ball with a good pass from the winger. 
  • He then finishes 1 to 0. 
  • Make it more difficult or easier by adjusting defenses or using more players.
drawing backdoor
  • The players all stand back to back on the center line. 
  • On the sideline there are 4 different colored cones. 
  • The players have to do triple trades on the center line and step sliders to the height of the color that the coach mentioned. 
  • And then back again.
drawing step-slide exercise
  • Tapping
  • All players on the baseline.
  • 30 sec tapping, sprint to center line, 30 sec tapping, sprint to back line, 30 sec tapping.
  • Slides
  • All players on the baseline, in slide position and facing left. (or right)
  • Slides to the opposite side, until trainer calls GO.
  • At GO sprint back to baseline and make other side slides.
  • Up to other baseline.
  • Squads
  • All players on back line, facing center of field.
  • 10x single squad.
  • 10x halfway and through squad.
  • 5x stay deep and only go back up after 5 seconds. (slowly!)
  • Lunges
  • Lunge walk to the other side of the room. (slow down!)
  • Red dot dribbles in while blue dot runs in to defend.
  • Red dot passes the ball to the white dot in the corner who immediately takes a shot.
  • Blue dot runs to the low post after the close out and gets the ball passed from red cone.
  • Red cone takes the rebound and goes to the top blue dot takes own rebound and goes to the corner where red cone was standing.
drawing  overhead pass to corner - 3point corner -post play
  • Players divide into 2 groups at the sideline.
  • Group in runs 1 length back and forth from sideline to sideline.
  • When everyone in the group is back the other group runs.
  • Then 2 times then 3 times then 4 times. 
  • Then reduce back to 1 time.

This exercise is intended to teach the basics of HELP defense


  • Explain weak side/strong side.
  • Explain 3 positions: man with ball, strong side, weak side.
  • Make pairs: 1 attacker, 1 defender.
  • Stand in attack.
  • Put defenders down.


  • Practice dry passing only static.
  • Send to the baseline!
  • Swap out the help: 
    • By calling
  • Per 5 on 1 side.
  • If not with 10.
  • Omit 1 pass.
  • You stay on the same side.
  • Pass the ball to the other row.

drawing Warming up and transition after free throws
  • You make 2 teams divided over 2 baskets.
  • The first to reach the proposed number of scores wins.
  • The losing team does a half-killer.
drawing 2-basket shooting race
  • 4 Players on the baseline.
  • Player B has ball and dribbles to the cone.
  • B passes to player C.
  • B and C go to goal.
  • Player A and D sprint around the cone and start defending.
drawing RUN AND PLAY 2-2
  • Two or three teams. (teams)
  • Per pair or trio 1 ball.
  • 1 shooter, 1 (or 2) rebounder(s).
  • Shooter shoots (from free throw line, or lower position), then sprints to centre line.
  • Rebounder catches ball, passes ball to shooter. (Good jump stop, correct distance, call for ball).
  • Shooter 5 scores in total, then new shooter.
  • Team of which first all shooters have scored 5 times, wins!


  • 3 men at the bucket, coach at the free throw line.
  • Take free throw.
  • Outlet to the side, other two rebounding or taking it.
  • Pass to outlet. (Never in the middle!)
  • Outlet dribbles to centre, other two split left-right.
  • To basket across.
  • Cutting from free throw line.
  • Outlet good jump stop and tight pass.

Starting position

  • All players with a ball on the baseline.


  • Crossover: Good low position and change of speed.
  • Behind the back.
  • Through the legs.


  • Zigzag to the other side.
  • Change of direction at line basket-basket.