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Basketball drills

  • Purpose:
    • Reaction speed and 1 against 1 
  • Assignment:
    • Divide the players into pairs and give them one number per pair. 
    • When the trainer says a number, the players with that number sprint to the center as fast as possible, grab the basketball and dribble to basket for 1 to 1.
    • They get only 1 attempt to score. After their goal attempt, the ball goes back to the trainer. 
  • You can also call several numbers at once for 2 against 2, 3 against 3 etc.
  • 5 x 2 free throws = 10 free throws
  • Standard 50% = 5 hits out of 10
    • 5 or more points: standard achieved!
    • 4 points: jump 20 times as high as possible every time
    • 3 points: 40 x jump
    • 2 points: 40 x jump + 15 sit ups
    • 1 point: 40 x jumping + 30 sit ups
    • 0 points: 40 x jump + 40 sit ups

  • Numbers opposite each other. 
  • Increasing distance slowly.
    • Pass with 1 hand up on 1 hand teammate.
    • Catch with 1 hand and throw back. Continue until ball falls. 
    • Alternate right/left.
  • As soon as this runs. 
    • Two numbers left and right midcourt. 
    • Throw with 1 hand, catch, pass with same hand on cutting player for lay-up.
    • Left/right alternate.
drawing Passing one-handed overhead
  • Twos: 
  • 3x10 shots. 
  • Shot outside the bucket player A, player B rebound.
  • Player A runs to midcourt.
  • Touches line with hand comes back gets the pass.
  • Shot. 10x. 
  • Then switch. 
  • 2nd time e.g. to sideline, 3rd time back line.

drawing Shoot move shoot

This drill is meant to let the players work on speed, condition and a bit of footwork:

Start in corner A;

  • The player will run in a row making sure that the fastest man/woman is in front, so that he sets the pace and can take the rest of the group with him.
  • From point A the players will run over the blue line to the back line, then they make slides over the back line (the green line) until the bucket line, then they run backwards over the red line to the other back line, slides over the green line forward run over the blue line and again slides over the green line and backwards run over the red line.
  • Then slides over the whole back line to point A.
  • Every time you pass point A the exercise starts again, determine the number of repetitions according to the condition of the team and build it up as the training progresses.
  • After a while you could also hang on to the exercise for example within 40 sec. 1 time. Are you too late? Push-ups, sit-ups etc.

On the picture below:

Blue = run forward

Green = slides

Red = Run backwards


Please note:

- with the slides, bend the knees, the important thing is that the movement is fast but above all is made good;

- let the players start with a few second intervals, especially when walking backwards they will get in each other's way;

- when running backwards look forward, as if you are looking at the man you are defending;

- that the lines are not cut off.

Two rows on the centerline, 1 player in the corner on the baseline (the compass).

Starting with right layups:

  • Ball is at the proposal player in the right row.
  • First player in left row runs to the front
  • Player with the ball passes the ball to the player in the left row
  • Player in left row makes a jump stop
  • Player in right row touches sideline at freeworking line and makes a cut to the basket.
  • Player with the ball passes at the right time (other player asks for the ball) to another player
  • Player right row makes lay-up.
  • Player from left row catches the ball and passes to the player in the corner (ball may not hit the ground!).
  • Player in the corner passes ball to next player in the row
  • Receiver becomes player in the corner
drawing Lay-ups, two rows, passing and catching (no dribbling, no ball can touch the ground)
  • B passes the ball to C 
  • B runs until cone receives the ball
  • B scores layout
  • B connects to row C
  • C passes the ball back to row B
  • C is going to take the rebound from B 
  • C goes to row A
  • A passes the ball to B 
  • A connects to row B
  • A runs to middle and close out
  • B step slide to angle to base line
  • C runs to middle
  • D step slide to other sideline
  • Take E ball and dribble until cone
  • F finishing with lay up
  • G escape dribble
  • H walk ball above head and put it in the basket
  • I runs to end line
  • A Jumping with 2 legs through the hoops
  • B sprint to the cone and close out
  • C look over shoulder and walk back to center line
  • D back paddle to half cikel in the bucket
  • E,close out free throw lin
  • F step slide to sideline,

drawing Transitioning drill
  • A runs to middle and close out
  • B step slide to angle to base line
  • C runs to middle
  • D step slide to other sideline
  • Take E ball and dribble until cone
  • F finishing with lay up
  • G escape dribble
  • H walk ball above head and put it in the basket
  • I runs to end line
  • The 1st player dribbles through the cones to the baseline. 
  • Put the ball down on the baseline and do 4 step slide between baseline and midline.
  • Takes the ball back and dribbles to the cones and changes direction and scores lay up, 
  • After the rebound, print 5 times, 
drawing Igors circuit
  • Starting 2 player on baseline
  • Spurts to the cone and do step slide to next cone
  • The first player to take the ball does speed dribble to the other side to score. 
  • The other player becomes defender
drawing Defensive step slide +1-1