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Basketball drills

With 3 men on the back line and the middle having the ball
  • The middle passes to a man
  • Runs after the ball.
  • Who passes to the man on the other side
  • Also runs after the ball.
  • They do this while running to the basket on the other side.
  • When someone is close enough to the basket, the man runs a lay-up.
NOTE: no ball on the ground, so the other must rebound (even when scoring)!
Everyone in the trio must have scored once.
If that takes more than 6 attempts, then they all have to do 10 pushups
  • Drawing fouls, protecting the ball and watching.
  • Going hard to the basket and on your opponent.
  • Reading the defender
drawing One on one
Each player has nrs from 1-5
  • Run a break (lines) for the other side.
  • Nr goes for shot.
  • If you miss, the rest of the players have to rebound and score.
  • Quickly take over and go to the other side where nr 2 takes a shot.
  • If wrong rebound and finish.
Etc etc for 3,4 and 5. May be with a pass in between.
2 shooters start in the corners of the field.
5 positions around.
drawing 3-point contest
  • 3 defenders in a row in the paint.
    • Give them number one, two, three.
  • 3 attackers at the three-point line position head and wing.
  • Coach passes to one of the 3 attackers and calls nrs 1-3
  • Defender with that number close-out to attacker with ball.
  • Attacker shoots (may use 1 dribble). Defence boxt-out
drawing 6 man rebound
Basic drill Spin and swim drill
  • Stand on one leg, raise the other as high as possible.
    • Ball with 2 hands above head.
    • Found balance trying to close eyes.
    • Then the other leg.
  • Stand on one leg, stretching the other as far back as possible.
    • Ball in front of you to 15cm above ground, then up again.
    • Drop 45gr to your left to 15cm above ground, then right.
    • Found your balance and close your eyes.
    • Then the other leg.
  • Stretched lunge position with arms spread
    • Close your eyes and slowly move the ball from left to right.
    • Then other supporting leg in front.

In this exercise, the basics of rebounding are explained and practiced (again).

Low center of gravity

  • Pairs of equal strength, without the ball.
  • Each pair backs against each other.
  • Start on the baseline, player on the baseline (attacker) tries to push the player with his back towards him (defender) to the opposite side.
  • Defender must have his back straight and his knees deep, so that the centre of gravity is low.
  • Once on the other side, the players swap roles and go the other way.

Explanation of basic movements

  • Watch where the attacker is going.
  • Make contact with hand/arm.
  • Pivot so your back is turned to your opponent.
  • Box out!


  • Same pair on the baseline, about a metre apart.
  • Trainer calls out left or right.
  • Attackers then calmly take a few steps towards defender.
  • Defender carries out steps.
  • NOTE: attacker must step slowly for the exercise!
  • After a few rolls, attacker/defender turn around.

Game shape

  • Same pair, around the centre circle. (Defender on the circle line, 1 ball in the middle.)
  • When the trainer says GO, the attackers try to get the ball, the defenders have to box out!
  • After a few rolls attacker/defender turn around.
  • 1 Forward
  • 2 Guard
  • 3 Post
  • 1 Makes rebound and runs through.
  • 2 Goes to extended free throw line sideline.
  • 3 Takes the rebound.
  • 3 Passes to 2.
  • 2 To 1.
  • 1 Fakes another pass.
  • 3 Takes rebound.
  • 3 Passes to 2.
  • 2 To 1.
  • 1 Continues to dribble.
  • 1 Passes to 3.
  • 3 Finishes.
  • 2 Takes the rebound.
  • 1 Goes to extended free throw line sideline.
  • 2 Passes to 1.
  • 1 Passes to 3 along sideline.
  • 2 Goes through the middle and gets the ball at the free throw line and shot.
  • If this goes well with 4.
drawing fastbreak with three or four
  • Players at the baseline have the ball.
  • He passes the ball to the blue player and walks towards the other baseline.
  • He gets the ball back and passes it to the red player.
  • He gets the ball back and passes the ball to the orange player.
  • He gets the ball back and dribbles to the basket and finishes with lay up.
  • When the blue player has passed the ball he runs to the spot of the red player.
  • The red player to the orange player and the orange player takes the rebound and starts the exercise on the other side.
  • Variations in finishing and eventually close out and live defence possible.
drawing warm up with passing and lay up
  • The players line up in two groups on the sideline near the halfway line.
  • The first 2 players of the red group line up on one side of the field and have the ball.
  • One player of the blue team lines up on the other side.
  • As soon as the attacking team crosses the centre line, the 2nd player of the blue team runs around the cone in the centre circle and starts defending.
  • Attacking players try to score before the 2nd player gets there.
drawing 2 to 1 +1
  • Player on top attacks the basket.
  • Passes along the baseline.
  • Ball to corner makes quick extra pass to wing who takes the 3 point shot.
  • The player at the corner runs to the basket immediately after the pass.
  • Where that gets the ball from the player on the wing on the opposite side works off under the hoop.
  • White triangle takes rebound from the 3 point shot.
  • Blue player takes own rebound. (Passing clockwise.)
drawing baseline pass after drive extra pass rebound