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Basketball drills

  • The planet Saturn is the planet with the rings.
  • So can you guess how the Saturn exercise goes?
  • Spin the ball around your left leg, your right leg and around both legs.
  • There is no dribbling involved, but this exercise is very good for your hand-eye coordination.
  • There are rows of players on both sidelines.
  • The front player of each row has a basketball.
  • These players dribble to the sideline on the other side and play the ball with a bounce pass to the second player in the row who is now automatically in front.
  • The first player closes in behind and the second player now dribbles across.
  • The players practise the overhead pass (with 2 hands, from above the head) and vary the distance
  • Players stand in a circle with 1 player in the middle.
  • One player starts and throws the ball with a chest pass to the player in the middle.
  • Then the first player runs after the ball to the middle.
  • The player in the middle throws the ball to the next player in the circle and then runs after them etc.
  • The players stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other.
  • They are free to choose who they throw to and which pass variant they use.
  • To make the exercise more difficult more basketballs can be used.
  • Divide the players into two groups.
  • The group without the ball tries to tap the player in the other group with the ball.
  • As soon as they have touched the player with the ball, the ball is theirs.
  • The player with the ball therefore tries to pass the ball on to a teammate as quickly as possible.
  • Touching someone with a ball gives a point. The team that scores ten points first wins.
  • They are simple but fun basketball games for children with a number of advantages:
    • The children get more ball feeling
    • The children learn how to aim the basketball
    • The children learn to dribble well
    • The children develop team spirit and learn to work together
    • The children move in the indoor gym or on the outdoor sports field

Ideal for training, lessons and fun activities.

  • The children stand in a large circle.
  • There are several basketballs in the game.
  • The children with the ball bounce the ball as fast as possible to a classmate or group member, while calling his or her name.
  • This is recommended for children's camps (great outdoors!) or sports days, where children can learn each other's names and learn to catch the ball.
  • Players who do not bounce the ball well, do not catch the ball or call out the wrong name, step out of the circle and do not participate for a while.
  • As fewer and fewer players remain, the remaining players bounce more and more balls.
  • Continue, until only one or two players remain.
  • They have won.
  • Place a row of cones and give each child its own basketball.
  • The children are challenged to dribble around the cones.
  • They are not allowed to hit the cones and they are not allowed to lose their ball.
  • The children follow each other quietly. The pace is gradually increased.
  • When the children get more ball control, put another row of cones parallel to the first row.
  • Let the children play a game: the first one who manages to dribble around the cones without a fault has won.
  • Let the winners play against each other, until only one winner remains.
  • A good basketball exercise for more ball control.

Competition form.

  • 2 groups against each other.
  • You have to make 15 good lay-ups with your group.
  • If you succeed, you sit down and you've won.
  • As an extension of this, in two minutes you have to make as many lay-ups as possible with your group.
  • At least 3 balls per group so you don't have to wait for the ball.
  • The lay-up must at least have a two step rhythm otherwise it does not count.
  • Approximately 4 to 5 minutes.


Feint exercise

  • Walk towards the defender, move your left foot to the left, as if you were passing the defender on the left
  • Immediately afterwards, move your left foot to the right and get the ball very low from your left hand to your right hand, so that your back is facing your opponent
  • Now dribble on and score with the lay-up


  • The attackers are not allowed to move from their spot.
  • They play the ball around and if they get the chance, they try to score
  • The defenders have to run They try to prevent a goal from being scored
  • When defenders are too static and stand by an attacker, you can do 3 things
    • Or force the defenders to run by telling at least one of them to run towards the attacker with the ball
    • Or tell the attackers they can take 2 steps.
    • Or draw a square on the ground where the attackers can move.
    • After 5 attempts, the defenders change with 2 new defenders.


  • Half of the basketball players have a ball.
  • These basketball players dribble all over the room.
  • On the whistle they pass the ball to someone they first made eye contact with.
  • The pass they use to do so is up to them.
  • Choose the pass that is best in the situation.
  • If you are close to the ball, do not pass.


  • We are going to work on two baskets and therefore also in 2 groups.
  • (How many groups you make depends on the number of baskets. More baskets means more groups).
  • Half of a group stands approximately on the center line on the right side of the basket.
  • The other half starts on the left side just beside the basket.
  • These persons have the ball and throw the ball to the person on the center line.
  • This person dribbles the ball to the basket, makes a lay-up, catches the ball and joins the line next to the basket.



This drill will help develop proper passing and shooting techniques. This drill also emphasizes communication between teammates
  1. Divide the team into four squads. One team on each block and one team on each elbow. Give each team one ball.
  2. The first person in each line shoots and follows his shot, passing it back to the next person in his line.
  3. After rebounding the ball, the shooter returns the ball to the line they were in and rotates clockwise to the end of the next spot. Rotations are shown in the diagram.
  4. All four lines work as a team and keep track of the total number of shots scored.

  • Emphasize to the players that communication is very important in this drill.
  • Players must make game-winning passes and their shots must also be taken at game level.
  • The time limit of this exercise can be changed from five minutes to whatever you like or number of shots scored
  • Also the spots on the court where the players shoot from can be varied
