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Basketball drills



  • players must be able to drive and shoot individually from the 3-point line
  • be able to screen

players moving while making good use of space on the court


  • the attackers get free with in-out, pass and screen away, back through, cut in etc
  • always make sure there is about 3 metres space between the attackers
  • the player who receives the pass turns with a front or reverse pivot towards the basket.
  • by constant movement and changes of position they try to create space for a shot or drive
  • a player in the three-point zone can only be played if he can score immediately

Dribbling only to:

  • restore space between the attackers
  • Finish a lay up
  • obtain a position to pass
  • get out of trouble

Teaching Points:

  • look at your team-mates and react accordingly
  • As soon as you have the ball, face the basket
  • Dribble only with a clear goal
  • always recover 3 metres of space after a running action or a screen.


  • 2 passes back to 3 and tries to cut in front of his man to the basket
  • 3 cannot make the pass due to good defensive work
  • 3 dribbles to the forward position to redistribute the space.
  • 1 takes the safety guard position


players must master the layup at full speed

to a stray ball and be able to finish the next 1 on 1


  • the coach stands in the middle of the bucket and has the ball
  • Two players on the elbow are only allowed to look straight ahead.
  • trainer passes between the players
  • they may only move when they see the ball
  • the player who captures the ball scores on the opposite basket
  • the other player tries to prevent this
  • the coach makes his passes so hard that the players have to sprint to keep the ball in.
  • n.b. the defender must not make any mistakes due to the risk of injuries

Teaching points:

  • speed of action
  • do not let the defender distract you


  • have players start sitting or lying down
  • Put two players next to each other on the elbow, or with their backs against each other. Then play 2 against 2



  • players must be able to drive and shoot from the 3-point line
  • forward 3 must be able to apply pass fakes to feed the post
  • the centre 5 must master the fundamentals to keep his defender behind him and to be playable with a bounce pass (or with a lob when he is lost)
  • the center must master the fundamentals to be able to play 1 on 1 from the block

the low post


  • 5 stands extremely deep, near the bottom line
  • as soon as 3 starts to dribble, 1 starts to screen for 5
  • 5 crosses over to the block on the other side.
  • 1 fills the guard position
  • as soon as 3 has adjusted the post, he cuts across to the ring
  • at the same time, 1 sprints to the corner for the shot

5 has 3 options:

1) adjust 3 for the lay up2
) adjust 1 for the shot3
) play 1 against 1 himself against 6

Teaching points:

  • timing: the pass to the center must come at the moment it arrives on the block
  • at the split, leave enough space for the (bounce) pass.
  • 1 immediately sprints to the corner as soon as the pass is made, so that defender 4 is hindered by in cutting 3 and his defender


  • in preparation run 3 against 0 and systematically go through the various options.
  • left and right
  • Cut below


players must master the layup at full speed

Dare to finish
layup under pressure of a following defender


  • defender may only cross the half way line at the first dribble
  • attacker may make feints
  • if the defender steps in, he/she must put both feet behind the centre line before defending again
  • Attacker dribbles as fast as possible to the basket and finishes with a layup.
  • Finish with a layup
  • winner takes ball and connects behind the attackers on the other half of the court
  • loser defends on the same half.
  • depending on the skill of the attackers, allow the defender to cover more or less distance

Teaching points:

  • dribble at full speed
  • do not let the oncoming defender distract you.


  • increase the pressure by having the defender start closer to the basket
  • Have players start sitting or lying down. The defender can only get up after the attacker.



  • forward must be able to play mid post (pass fakes, flat bounce pass)
  • Forward must be able to make a lay up or lay back directly from a bounce pass in the run

To teach the forward to read the defense and to choose the appropriate offensive line

cutter = forward who cuts in


  • the centre is allowed only 1 dribble
  • forward may only make 1 dribble after a shot fake, otherwise not allowed
  • make it - take it
  • play up to the 5

Teaching points cutter:

  • cut with sufficient distance from the centre: over the elbow or over the dead ball line
  • choose the side that leaves the defender free
  • Prepare a front pass in the opposite direction and rebound hard in the desired direction
  • keep your hands ready for the bounce pass
  • run to the weak side for the three-point shot if you don't get the ball right away


  • centre can play 1v1
  • or use it to threaten and pass for the three-pointer
  • If the defender plays double down
  • then the forward looks for a shooting position where the center can see him and adjust: don't stand still!
  • after the pass to the outside, take the shot immediately
  • or readjust the center
  • and find a shot position again

Teaching points:

  • speed of action: one fake and then act immediately
  • watch what the defender does and take up the space he does not defend


players must be able to make a lay up from the pass

Goal: learn the
running move to free another player + have the courage NOT to pass to the first man who moves


  • 3 pawns
  • fixed pair
  • fixed passer in the corner of the field.
  • adjust deep post
  • cut in, ask for the ball and pass
  • second incider gets the ball and makes the lay up
  • catches it himself
  • passes to the oulet
  • and runs to the pawn on the other side of the free throw line
  • in the meantime, the man with the ball dribbles to the next pawn
  • passes to his regular teammate
  • who passes to the regular passer in the corner
  • cuts in and asks for the ball (but does not get it)
  • when there are more than 10 men: make 5 free throws and then change with a fixed passer

Teaching Points:

  • the first man to cut in must look at the passer and ask for the ball with his hands
  • the passer must use pass fakes to keep his defender out of the pass line until the second man cuts in


Left and right



  • players must have the courage to shoot defensively
  • master open step and crossover step
  • and master a feint followed by a dribble + shot or drive

to decide which action to take as a forward in a 1v1 situation


  • defender passes the ball with a bounce pass to the attacker
  • and starts defending
  • Attacker stands within shooting distance

Teaching points:

  • foot, knee and shoulder in one line
  • Hands ready to shoot
  • Knees in an angle of 60 degrees (shot fake) to 90 degrees (drive fake)
  • Shot fake: ball not higher than the nose + bend the knees a bit
  • Drive fake: short, quick step + forward movement with the shoulders
  • Open step: first step is short
  • Bringing the ball to the other side with sweep/rip: bring the ball below knee height


  • defender has his hands low and/or more than an arm's length away: shoot (quick draw)
  • Defender has his hand on the ball: driven directly (preferably over the front foot / along the back of the defender)
  • make one fake at the most. Read the defender's reaction during your fake.
  • If the defender does not react, continue the move (fake shot becomes shot, fake drive becomes drive).
  • if the defender reacts, take the other option, i.e.: fake shot becomes drive; fake drive becomes shot; open step becomes rip + crossover step; crossover step becomes rip + open step
  • do NOT introduce an element of competition here, to prevent defenders from making hard mistakes to avoid losing


  • instruct the defender to only defend the drive hard and leave space for the shot
  • defend crossover and shot, but leave open step
  • defend the shot to the full



  • players must have the courage to shoot defensively
  • and control a feint + dribble + shot or drive

against 1


  • after a goal attempt, each player catches his own ball
  • waits until his team-mate is in his shooting position.
  • passes the ball and defends the attacker.
  • the attacker uses the space left by the defender for a shot or drive
  • or lures the defender towards him with a shot fake and then makes a drive to the basket
  • OR a bounce + step + shot
  • do NOT introduce an element of competition to prevent defenders from making hard fouls to avoid losing.
  • Make sure the attacker gets the ball where he can actually shoot, so the defender has to consider the shot AND the drive.

Teaching points:

  • Catch the ball in your shot hand (ready to shoot).
  • adjust shooter well
  • shooting technique
  • if a player never shoots but always makes a drive, instruct the defender to only defend the drive hard and leave room for the shot


  • shot distance
  • Position in relation to the basket.


players must master the layup at full speed

daring to finish
layup under pressure of an approaching defender


  • set up pilons for positioning
  • passer (1) plays the attacker (5) with a baseball pass and starts defending
  • the attacker dribbles as fast as possible to the basket and finishes with a layup.
  • finishes with layup
  • loser takes the ball and joins the passers.
  • winner connects with the attackers
  • depending on the skill of the attackers, move the pylons to allow the defender to cover more or less distance.

Teaching points:

  • dribble at full speed
  • do not get distracted by the oncoming defender


  • increase pressure by having the defender start closer to the basket
  • Put hoops down and let players start with their back foot in the hoop.
  • Have the defender start at the three-point line and instruct him to stand for the charge. The attacker must then change direction at full speed to avoid the charge and still score.



  • players must be able to individually defend the man with the ball
  • Players must be able to dribble

fitness / intensive interval training


  • players start with 1 foot on the back line
  • start on signal of the coach
  • loser takes the ball and has to defend in the next round.
  • 1 and 2 place the ball on the middle line so that 3 and 4 can pick it up
  • 1 and 4 play 1 against 1 on the basket on the side they came from


  • left and right
  • Place a hoop just beyond the baseline to handicap the defender.


players must be able to drive and shoot from the 3-point line

Goal: forwards
learn to get free by reading the defense


Defender is instructed by the trainer how to react when the attacker cuts inside for the first time:

  • stay put
  • pass
  • stick to the attacker
  • passer static on the guard position
  • passes to the attacker when he gets free
  • who then plays 1 against 1
  • loser defends on the same side
  • winner takes the ball and attacks on the other side
  • play until the 4

Teaching points:

  • defender stays put: step outside the three-point line for the shot
  • Defender overshoots (you can't see the ball well because the defender is in between): go back through (explosive, hard offload on your outside leg)
  • defender sticks: pin and spin (after the spin make your line form the letter V, so the defender stays behind you and cannot intercept the pass)
  • if the attacker is still not free after 2 times, then the defender has won

Let the defender vary the way he/she defends so that the attacker really has to read and react appropriately.

The trainer instructs the defender to successively:

  • follow
  • pass
  • stick
  • Attacker starts against the back line
  • moves parallel to the bucket towards the ball
  • if the defender follows, accelerate at the elbow by pushing off hard on the inside foot and step out perpendicular to your line of play
  • if the defender sticks, then perform a pin and spin on the elbow and step out hard perpendicularly
  • if the defender sticks at the elbow: ask for the pass at the three-point line and shoot
  • if you cannot see more than the defender's hand between you and the ball, call for the pass with your outside hand at the three-point line
  • after catching the ball, rip it and drive directly to the basket
  • if you see the defender's shoulders between yourself and the ball, then drop off hard on your outside foot and go back through (ask for bounce pass on your outside hand)

Defender varies the way you defend, so the attacker really has to read and react appropriately

Mtm offense

  • Coach instructs defender to consecutively:
  • keep position between attacker and basket
  • Pass from the extended free throw line.
  • Attacker runs outside along the three-point line:
  • If the defender stays between man and basket, call for the pass with your outside hand at the three-point line.
  • Take your triple threat position and play 1 against 1.
  • if you can see the defender's shoulder when looking at the ball, then push hard on your off-side foot and go back through (ask for bounce pass on your off-side hand)
  • Same if the defender puts a foot over the three point line


Defender varies the way you defend so the attacker really has to read and react appropriately


players must be able to drive and shoot from the 3-point line

Goal: get free
at the forward position and improve scoring ability from that position


  • coach dribbles at guard position
  • occasionally threatens to penetrate and defender 5 must step in. He always has to defend the ball as well!
  • Forward makes sure he gets free with an in-out move, backdoor or pick-up + flash
  • gets free
  • then plays 1 against 1
  • Loser goes to defend
  • catch it yourself, dribble to the other side than where you started.
  • play until the 3

Teaching points:

  • face the basket immediately after receiving the ball
  • use the front or reverse pivot immediately as a feint
  • Sit deep in the spin
  • high speed
  • maximum 1 dribble to the basket
  • If the defender gives space, shoot immediately