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Basketball drills

  • Setup:
    • 2 in defense, one foot each in the bucket
    • 2 in offense at the three-point line
    • 1 passer
  • Passer passes to 1 of the forwards
  • Footwork is important, foot defense over foot offense
  • Forward passes to the other forward
  • Defense adjusts position
  • Forward passes to other forward
  • Defense adjusts position
  • Passer passes second ball to other forward
  • And then they go 1 on 1 towards the baseline
drawing Close-out drill
  • Setup:
    • 3 groups of end line
    • Ball in the middle
    • Coach stands in the middle
  • Players pass to center line and pass to coach
  • Coach passes to 1 of the 2 outside players
  • Play 2 against 1
drawing Passing to midline / 2 against 1
  • Setup:
    • Group left
    • Group right
  • Lay-up
  • Lay-under
  • Lay-under 1 hand
  • Power lay-up
  • Reverse lay-up
  • Lay-up with jump stop and shot short distance
  • Lay-up with pass, pass, defense
  • Variations:
    • Right
    • Left
    • Center
    • With change of direction
drawing Lay-ups
  • Setup:
    • Everyone baseline
    • 1 group at the free throw line with ball
    • 1 group near the sideline
  • Players give 3 passes to each other
  • Important that they walk in a straight line
  • After last pass we play 1 against 1, around the middle line
  • Defense closes the middle, pushes the attacker to the sideline
  • Variation:
    • 1 extra defender under the bucket
    • Extra defender may only help if the attacker goes baseline
    • If the attacker goes to the middle, there is no help
    • Do this to oblige the player not to give middle
drawing 1 vs 1 with passing full court
  • Setup:
    • Whole field
    • 3 groups baseline one side
    • 3 groups baseline other side
    • Middle player has ball
    • Second man outside group also have ball
  • Middle player dribbles across
  • After center line pass to right, that player does a drive
  • Other players fill in
  • 3 cuts in total, then shot
  • 1 player still has the ball and shot
  • 2 other players get the ball from below
drawing Shooting drill
  • Setup:
    • 2 groups
    • At the level of the free throw line
  • First a v-cut, then get ball.
  • Pivot and shot.
  • Own rebound.
  • Connect on the other side.
  • Careful with pivoting on right foot.
  • Passing with right or left hand, depends on side.
  • 20 scores.
  • Variations:
    • Pivot and dribble to goal, lay-up
    • Straight to goal driven
    • Pivot and dribble to goal, jump stop
    • Reverse pivot and lay-up
    • Reverse pivot and shot
drawing V-cut lay-up and shooting
  • Setup:
    • 4-on-4
    • Between center line and end line
  • No dribbling
  • No holding the ball overhead
  • Passes only
  • Score when you cross the center line or end line
  • Intention is to run free
  • Moving without the ball
  • Make decisions with the ball
  • Setup:
    • 2 groups at baseline level
    • 2 players center baseline
  • Coach throws ball (or collide or roll)
  • 2 players fight for ball and play 1-on-1
  • Defense must be between ball and goal
drawing 1 vs. 1, baseline
  • Setup:
    • 2 groups at center line level
    • 2 players look towards goal (stutter)
  • Coach throws ball towards goal
  • 2 players fight for the ball and play 1 on 1
  • Defense must be between ball and goal
drawing 1 against 1, center line
  • Setup:
    • 2 groups at the level of the free throw line
    • 2 players top of the bucket
  • Coach throws ball (or collide or roll)
  • 2 players fight for the ball and play 1-on-1
  • Defense must be between ball and goal
drawing 1 against 1, top
  • Setup:
    • Group left
    • Group right
  • Lay-up
  • Lay-under
  • Lay-under 1 hand
  • Power lay-up
  • Reverse lay-up
  • Lay-up with jump stop and shot (short distance)
  • Lay-up with pass, pass, defense
  • Variations:
    • Right
    • Left
    • Center
drawing Lay-ups
  • Setup
    • 2 against 2
    • Players midline
    • Players baseline
  • Playing 2 against 2
  • Offense becomes defense
  • After shot or steal, defense gives ball to corner
  • Then outlet pass to player midline
  • Defense does close out -sprint-
  • And offense starts again
  • Close the middle is important
  • Helpside defense is important
  • Speaking in defense is important
drawing 2-on-2, half court, Pascal Meurs