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Basketball drills

  • 3 rows with each 3 players or more.
  • Ball in the middle.
  • Pass to right start and pass back to center and pass to left and back.
  • Finish with layup or jump stop.
  • Return next to the court and shuffle through to the right.
drawing Warming up
  • 2 players at bottom of goal.
  • 2 players left extended free throw line.
  • 2 players right extended free throw line.
  • 2 players at the center circle.
  • Team 1 players top and bottom.
  • Team 2 players left and right.
  • Team 1 starts dribbling toward each other does a change of direction and accelerates.
    Variations: crossover, between the leggs, behind the back, double action, back up dribble.
  • When team 1 has done the change of direction team 2 may leave.
drawing Dribble exercise
  • B passes the ball to C
    • B runs to cone receives ball
    • B scores lay up
    • B joins row C
  • C passes the ball back to line B
    • C goes to take the rebound from B
    • C goes to line A
  • A passes the ball to B
    • A connects in row B
drawing Warming up, 3 rows
2 players start on baseline.
  • They sprint to elbow and backwards again to baseline,
  • From there SLIDES to corner baseline and then a sprint to the sideline other side.
drawing Condition 2 penalty throw line and back
2 men on lowpost and 2 along penalty throw line
drawing SLOB 1
Doubles screen on man in corner
drawing Double screen
2v2 from side
drawing 2v2 sidelane
  • You make 2 teams divided over 2 baskets.
  • Dribble around the post and pick a side.
  • Run a lay-up.
  • The first to reach the proposed number of scores wins.
  • The losing team must run to the back line and back. (start on the back line and run to the back line)
drawing 2-basket shooting race


drawing wave
  • Players line up in 2 groups on the same side of the field (sideline).
  • Everyone except the first two in line have a ball.
  • The players without ball run to the opposite side of the field. (top of key) 
  • The first player with the ball dribbles to the 3 point line on the side where he is standing and passes the ball to the incoming player at the top.
  • When he takes the ball. (Swing the ball, fake, crossover, drive and finish with lay-up.)
  • The player who passed the ball runs to the other side of the court where his drill begins.
  • On one side L and other side R lay-up.
drawing cross-over + finishing lay-up L and R
  • 1 or 2 rows just below the board on either side of the basket. 
  • Make sure there are at least 4 players per row.
  • Ball is thrown against the board next to the basket and "tipped" into the tide by the next player (catch it two hands and throw it back to the board immediately). 
  • The third player catches this ball again, etcetera. 
  • After the action, a player closes behind the (other) row. 
  • The exercise is finished when a minimum number of successful tips in a row have been achieved (without the ball touching the ground).
  • Variation:
    • Players must pass behind the coach before they may rejoin the (other) row. 
    • The coach walks backwards slowly, which means they have to run harder. (This is a must with rows of 6 or more players).
    • The ball must be both caught and thrown again during 1 jump. (is quite difficult for smaller or weaker players)
    • Advice: 
      • This can also involve deducting 1 point in the event of a failed tip instead of starting again at zero.

  • Playing from 5 spots 
  • After each ball is taken, an action is made to the basket. 
  • This can be done in a drive or with a shot.
  • When the attacker is stopped by a defender, he passes the ball to the outside and cuts to the basket, via the baseline he mans a free spot in the corner.
  • When a drive is initiated, the defense can either go into help defense, which always leaves someone free at the 3-point line. 
  • When the defense does not go into help defense, the attackers must run free in order to be able to receive the ball when the driver gets stuck.
  • Important is the speed between receiving the ball and the drive. 
  • When the defense presses too high a cut to the basket can also be made to get free from his defender.