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Basketball drills

  • 3 against 2 with passing every time. 
  • Help each other in defense when someone is free. 
  • The attackers learn to use a man advantage and to finish. 
  • Speed, precision, good passing and team play are necessary here.
drawing 3 v 2
  • Everyone stands back to back. 
  • The first one throws the ball against the board, the rest time well each time to catch the ball in the air and throw it against the board again,.
  • The 20th throws the ball into goal. 
  • Do this both right and left. 
  • They walk around cone or coach each time and rejoin at the back.
drawing rebound exercise
  • Player stands on the wing position with a ball, in front of her there is a defender. 
  • An attacker and a defender are at the guard position. 
  • The attacker cuts in to the 6-spot and back up, the defender defends along with her. 
  • Once back up, the defender stands and the attacker cuts inside again and gets the ball with a good pass from the winger. 
  • He then finishes 1 to 0. 
  • Make it more difficult or easier by adjusting defenses or using more players.
drawing backdoor
  • The players all stand back to back on the center line. 
  • On the sideline there are 4 different colored cones. 
  • The players have to do triple trades on the center line and step sliders to the height of the color that the coach mentioned. 
  • And then back again.
drawing step-slide exercise
  • Red dot dribbles in while blue dot runs in to defend.
  • Red dot passes the ball to the white dot in the corner who immediately takes a shot.
  • Blue dot runs to the low post after the close out and gets the ball passed from red cone.
  • Red cone takes the rebound and goes to the top blue dot takes own rebound and goes to the corner where red cone was standing.
drawing  overhead pass to corner - 3point corner -post play
  • Players divide into 2 groups at the sideline.
  • Group in runs 1 length back and forth from sideline to sideline.
  • When everyone in the group is back the other group runs.
  • Then 2 times then 3 times then 4 times. 
  • Then reduce back to 1 time.
  • You make 2 teams divided over 2 baskets.
  • The first to reach the proposed number of scores wins.
  • The losing team does a half-killer.
drawing 2-basket shooting race
  • 4 Players on the baseline.
  • Player B has ball and dribbles to the cone.
  • B passes to player C.
  • B and C go to goal.
  • Player A and D sprint around the cone and start defending.
drawing RUN AND PLAY 2-2
  • Drawing fouls, protecting the ball and watching.
  • Going hard to the basket and on your opponent.
  • Reading the defender
drawing One on one
Each player has nrs from 1-5
  • Run a break (lines) for the other side.
  • Nr goes for shot.
  • If you miss, the rest of the players have to rebound and score.
  • Quickly take over and go to the other side where nr 2 takes a shot.
  • If wrong rebound and finish.
Etc etc for 3,4 and 5. May be with a pass in between.
2 shooters start in the corners of the field.
5 positions around.
drawing 3-point contest
  • 3 defenders in a row in the paint.
    • Give them number one, two, three.
  • 3 attackers at the three-point line position head and wing.
  • Coach passes to one of the 3 attackers and calls nrs 1-3
  • Defender with that number close-out to attacker with ball.
  • Attacker shoots (may use 1 dribble). Defence boxt-out
drawing 6 man rebound