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Basketball drills


Goal: to defend one pass away


  • attackers use quarter of the field
  • try to get free with in-out or cut
  • first restore balance by occupying the 3 positions before cutting again
  • defender overplays when his man is playable with one pass
  • attacker can dribble
  • a waiting player counts down 20 seconds

Teaching Points:

  • hand in the passing line
  • front foot in the passing line
  • catch your man with your forearm
  • 3/4 of your attention on the man, 1/4 on the ball
  • NO help
  • change after x stops

Form of play:

  • each team gets 5x ball possession
  • who makes the most stops

Pass exercise from the four corners.

  • Two rows diagonally opposite each other have a ball
  • The other two rows start with diagonal pass towards the row diagonally opposite
  • They receive the ball in the middle
  • The passer cuts behind his/her own ball and receives it again
  • The players all start on the back line.
  • They run/jog to the opposite side doing a dribbling exercise.
  • The guard/chief indicates which exercise the players will do.
  • 2 rows on the center line and an outlet.
  • Right side starts with ball and runs lay-up and left side catches it as high as possible.
  • The catcher passes to the outlet and the outlet to the next man in the right row, etc.
  • After a desired number of scores, do the same on the other side.figure-circles
  • One person shoots free throws.
  • The other players stand in the rebound positions and try to get the ball by outboxing.
  • Every 2 free throws you rotate.

  • wave-8
    With 3 men on the back line and the middle one has the ball
  • The middle passes to a man and runs after the ball
  • The man in the middle passes to the man on the other side, who also runs after the ball.
  • They do this while running to the basket on the other side.
  • When someone is close enough to the basket, the man runs a lay-up.
  • He becomes the defender and the other two attackers must try to reach each other with a long ball.
  • The goal of the defender is to prevent the attackers from scoring.
  • If the attackers do not manage to score, they must do 5 push-ups.


  • Centers + Guards + Forwards
  • U12 and up
  • 3 or more players
  • 1 ball - two baskets


  • players must be able to dribble and run a layup


  • train running line flyer
  • build up speed
  • finish break under pressure


  • player 1 dribbles the ball over the helpline to the other side and scores with a lay up
  • both other players chase and try to prevent the score
  • they start on the first dribble
  • Players 2 and 3 take the ball from the backline after scoring
  • and play 2 against 1 on the bucket at the other side
  • defender 1 tries to prevent scoring with a lay up

Teaching Points:

  • sprinting
  • push the ball at speed dribble
  • Instruct the defenders NOT to make unsportsmanlike conduct.
  • defender takes the charge Â- OR forces the dribbler to the side
  • tries to intercept the pass
  • gives the shot away and punches out the shooter
  • Centers + Guards + Forwards
  • from U14
  • 2 or more players
  • 1 ball per pair
  • two baskets


  • players must be able to dribble a layup run


  • to increase offensive creativity in 1v1


  • player 1 passes the ball to 3 and gets it back immediately
  • 3 moves backwards
  • 1 dribbles straight at 3 and has to close the distance between both players
  • Unbalance and pass the defender
  • Full speed to the basket
  • Loser will defend, winner will attack
  • Play up to the 3 to keep the intensity high.

Teaching Points:

  • attacker must aggressively close the gap
  • Dribble straight at the defender.
  • throw the defender off balance with a feint.
  • Attacker should be unpredictable.
  • only choose which side to pass on at the last moment
  • Use feints in the dribble
  • after passing at full speed towards the basket cut off the defender by dribbling ON the line of the defender
  • basket
  • after the pass, the defender has to sprint at full speed to pressure the lay up


Try to score 5 times with your group as quickly as possible.


Divide the players into 2, 3 or 4 groups so that there are max. 6 of them in a group. Give each player in each group a number from 1 to 6. Each group sits in a corner of the terrain. In the middle there are 2, 3 or 4 basketballs in hoops.

When the coach says a number, the players with that number sprint to the middle as fast as they can, take a basketball and dribble to goal. They get only 1 attempt to score. After their goal attempt, they put the balls back in the middle and rejoin their group. The first group with 5 scores wins the game.

Variations/ gradations

Make scoring easier by attaching a hoop to the ring where players can also score. A score through the hoop is then worth double points.


Reenact all the exercises, which the trainer is demonstrating.


The players stand in a (half) circle so that everyone can see the trainer. The trainer shows some exercises. The players mimic him/her. Keep the balloon in the air by tapping it up in the air. Try to clap your hands as much as possible between each tap.

  • Hold the balloon in your left hand and dribble the basketball with your right hand. Successful? Try with your other hand.
  • Now hold the balloon high above your head and look at the balloon. Keep dribbling with your other hand. Change hands after 1 minute.
  • Dribble the basketball with your right hand and hold the balloon with your left hand. At the whistle, change hands without losing either one and without stopping dribbling.

Dribble the basketball with your right hand. Try to keep the balloon in the air with your left hand by tapping it upwards. Can you do it with your other hand?


  • Reenact all the exercises, which the trainer presents.


The players stand in a (half) circle so everybody can see the trainer. The trainer shows some exercises. The players imitate him/her.

  • Stand in a circle. Roll the ball between your legs in an 8-shape.
  • Roll the ball around your waist, legs and head. Change direction every now and then.
  • Bounce the ball on the ground with 2 hands and catch it again with 2 hands.
  • Throw the ball in the air with 2 hands and catch it again with 2 hands. Who can clap before catching the ball?
  • Stand in a spread position. Move the ball between your legs in an 8-shape without letting it fall to the ground.




  • shot from the elbow
  • outlet pass after score
  • overhead pass from low post to elbow


  • after shot rebound and immediately step over the back line and take the ball
  • always chase your ball and take the next position
  • set a goal; e.g. 30 shots.

Teaching Points:

  • in the last step bring the ball above your head and turn your face towards the pitch
  • Tight overhead pass to the outlet
  • ask high for the ball
  • Pass the ball in the shot hand


  • counterclockwise and clockwise
  • Fill up waiting time at the forward position with fake passes
  • The other way round: after scoring, pass to the elbow and shoot from the corner